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"Where the hell is my money bitch" You yelled as you kicked the poor girl on the ground. You bent down then grabbed onto the girls hair tightly making her let moan out in pain. "You wanted to act brave and tough, now look what happened" You whispered in her ear.

"Y-Y/N please I don't have any money, I swear" The girl sobbed. "Bullshit we know you're lying, now give us the money or I'm making my girls hurt you" You threated. When the girl didn't do anything you threw her down on the ground and walked over to your friends. 

"Beat her until she's unconscious" You demanded before taking a out a pack of cigarettes from your pocket. You sat down on the stage and watched as your friends, Eun-Ju and Eun-Ji beat the girl to a plump. You took your phone out then walked over to the girls to record the beautiful moment.

"Why are you crying Jada, This is only happening because you wanted to be a a stubborn bitch" You grinned, you stood up then tell your friends to stop.

"Y/N you want us to check to see if there is anything on her" Eun-Ju asked. You looked at Jade then back at Eun-Ju. "Nah let's just go" You said.

The three of you walked out the gym as the girls crys start to fade away with every step.

This was the routine that you went through everyday. You would wake up, get ready for school, eat breakfast, go to school and just do everything besides learning like skipping classes, hurting people and taking their money.

You loved the way people were scared of you. It brung you satisfaction and you could never get enough of it.

Your two friends, Eun-Jun and her twin sister Eun-Ji were always with you 24/7. Since you were with them everyday you become close to the girls, you eventually started to date Eun-Ji. 

Your life was so great and you could do whatever you wanted.

"Uhh ladies aren't you all supposed to be in class" You turned around to see one of the teachers staring at the three of you. You opened your mouth to say something but closed it when the teacher saw the cigarette in your mouth.

"Oh my, you should know better than to smoke in school" The teacher scolded. She put the cigarette out then grabbed onto your arm to drag you to the principle office.

"You two get to class now" She demanded before continuing to drag you away.

As the lady was taking you to the office you passed by the group of teachers that were talking about the president's new law that he was trying to pass. You were going to open your mouth to say something but the teacher harshly pulled onto your arm.

"Miss A, you're hurting my arm" You complained. The teacher didn't respond and just forced you down in a chair. "Y/N you are going to sit here and wait until Mr.Atohi comes" She said with a stren tone.

You put on a fake smile saying "Yes ma'am" and watched as she walked out the room.

Obviously you weren't going to listen to that old bitch. You waited a few seconds then opened the door and quickly ran out. You could hear Miss.A yelling out your name telling you to come back.

"Dumb bit-" You were vut off with your thinking when you harshly bumped into someone chest.

You fell down on the down on the ground with a thud. You looked up with anger getting ready to cuss out whoever made you fall.

"Where do you think your going" You furrowed your eyebrows as you saw a tall man wearing glasses and a black suite. He had short hair and was very beautiful, But since he made you get caught by Miss.A, all the handsomest flew out the window.

"What the hell is wrong with you" You yelled. "You need to watch where you're going" You said. Miss.A comes up from behind you and grabbed onto your arm.

"I'm so sorry" She apologized. She sent you a glare then dragged you back to the principle office.

When you and Miss.A arrived you saw both your parents sitting in the office right across from the principle. 

"Sorry we're late, your daughter decided that it would be a good idea to try and run away" Miss.A rudely said to your parents.

Both your mother and father stood up to apologize but you interrupted them by telling them to shut up which made Miss.A and the principle give you dirty looks.

"Miss Y/N you shouldn't talk to your parents like that" The principle said making you roll your eyes at his laughable words.

"Look Mr.Atohi don't tell me how to talk to my parents, now just give me detention so we can get this over with" You warned him, Mr.Atohi glares at you before smirking.

"Actually Miss Y/N, You're not getting detention. Matter face you're not even getting expelled" Mr.Atohi smiles, "You're actually going to jail" He grins.

Both you and your parents looked at Mr.Atohi as if he was crazy.

"What the hell do you mean, I didn't do anything" You yelled. You could feel your blood rising and the anger to punch Mr.Atohi growing inside of you.

"Oh Miss Y/N please don't act obvilous, Miss Jada came to me a few minutes ago telling me what you did to her and how she wanted to press charges" Mr.Ato9hi explained. "Now tomorrow tou and your parents are going to arrive at court early in the morning so you can get your punishment" He finished.

"W-What did you do Y/N" You mother asked. You looked down at your feet not answering her question.

You stood up and shook your head trying to calm yourself down. "I'm going home" was all you said before you walked out the office.

Once you were out the office you immediately took out your phone and called Eun-Ji telling her everything that Jada did. "I want you to hurt that bitch so badly that she will regret ever trying to put me away" You said through your teeth.

"Okay Babe, I'll make sure that bitch regrets messing with you" Eun-Ji said.

You smiles to yourself then mumble a I love you before hanging up. You put your phone back into your pocket then look around to see the same man from earlier staring at you.

"What a fucking werido" You mumbled to yourself before walking home.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I hope you stay tuned in for the whole book <3

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