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You sat in the bathtub staring at the cold reflection Mr. Min poured water on your back. "Y/N you are so dirty" Mr. Min teased whike scrubbing your back. You stayed silent and continued to stare at the water, wondering if you were ever going to get out of this place.

It was obvious no one was looking for you or even cared.

"Baby what's on your mind?" Mr. Min asked. You looked at him then shook your head slightly, "N-Nothing I'm just tired" You grumbled.

Mr. Min stayed silent for a second then hummed. "I thought I told you to go to sleep on time Y/N" He sternly said as he held onto your shoulders. "I-I did I just want to lay down is all I mean" You stammered.

Mr. Min didn't say anything but helped you out the bathtub and walked you into the his bedroom. "Sit" He demanded before grabbing a towel from his closet.

"Y/N stop hiding yourself from me, I've already seen everything" Mr. Min chuckled at the site. You were sitting on his bed butt naked with your arms wrapped around your chest.

"You're so cute" He added while wrapping the towel around your body. "I hate you so much" You thought to yourself. You grabbed onto his arms and sqeezed as tight as you could, trying your best to hurt him.

But for Mr. Min it only seemed like you were trying to hold onto him.

Mr. Min held onto your face and kissed you all around. "Aw Y/N I know you want to hold me but we have get some clothes on you" He said through the kisses. Once he was done he walked over to the closet and looked around for a few seconds only to find nothing.

"Dammit Y/N, we should've got some of your clothes before we left your house" Mr. Min huffed. "If I keep letting you wear mine then I won't have anymore" He sighed.

He stood there for a second trying to think of something then walked back over to you.

"I can't leave you here, and if I take you with me then you'll try something" Mr. Min mumbled to himself. You glanced at him to see that he was staring dead in your direction with a blank expression on his face.

You quickly looked away and played with the towel that was on your lap, "What is he talking about?" You thought to yourself.

"Look at me Y/N" He says as he grabbed your hand. "It seems like you need more products and clothes and the only way I can get them is if you come with me" Mr. Min stated.

Your eyes lit up at the words, as you immediately started to think of ways you could escape him.

"Don't think of this as an opportunity to escape Y/N, cause I swear if I catch you or think you're trying to escape then I will hurt you" He threatened. 

"And besides we're just going to your house" He shrugged.

"Now let's put your old clothes on so we can get you new ones" Mr. Min smiled at you.

Starr stood in front of Eun-Ji classroom waiting for the girl to come out. Her hands were sweating and her heart was beating out of her chest as the time kept getting closer and closer.

Starr tried to forget everything she learned about you yesterday but her couscous kept her awake all night.

If you were in danger then she couldn't just sit around and let something happen to you. Yeah you bullied her sister, but it would be wrong to let someone hurt you.

She would first find out where you were, help you, then confront you about her sister and make you deal with your consequences.

As Starr was thinking, the sound if the bell snapped her out of it. She stood by the door and watched as student by student walked passed. 

When Eun-ji finally walked passed, Starr  grabbed onto her arm and dragged the girl to the bathroom. "What the hell is wrong with you" Eun-Ji hissed while snatching her arm away from Starr.

"I-Im sorry Eun-Ji but I need her help" Starr trembled. Eun-ji looked her up and down with disgusted and tried to walk out the bathroom only to be pushed back by Starr.

"Please, it's about Y/N I think something bad is happening to her" Starr stated.

Eun-ji stood there with a blank face then clenched her fist. "Starr touch me again and you'll end up like your sister" Eun-Ji warned.

"I know I'm sorry but can you please help me" Starr begged. "What the hell am I supposed to help you with? and why do you keep asking me?" Eun-Ji asked with irritation.

"You can help me by texting Y/N and seeing if she's okay o-or by giving me her address so we can check up on her" Starr urged.

"First of all, don't you think I've tried texting Y/N already" Eun-ji huffed. "I've texted her since she left and she hasn't responded to any of them, do you really think she'll respond because some bitch she talked to for a month is worried about her" She ranted.

"And second of all, I'm not with Y/N anymore since she doesn't walk to talk to me then she doesn't deserve me and I can promise you that I will not give you her address" Eun-Ji hissed.

Starr glared at Eun-Ji with hatred in her eyes. "Why the hell won't you help me?" Starr yelled "Y/N has done nothing to you" She hissed.

"Don't act dumb Starr, Y/N cheated on me with you and she was afraid I was going to find out so she left" Eun-Ji explained. Starr could only stand there as she listened to Eun-Ji ridiculous lie.

"A-Are you serious?" Starr laughed "Me and Y/N were never together and we will never be together" Starr hissed.

She walked over to Eun-Ji and slapped her hard against the face. Starr was so angry that Eun-Ji could be this stupid, she would let Y/N die because of some stupid assumptions she made up in her head.

Eun-ji held onto her cheeck as tears started to trickle down her face.

"Someone life could be on the line and you're over here being petty for no reason" Starr yelled.

Starr took a deep breath then took a step back with her heand held by her side. "I'm so sorry Eun-ji I don't know what came over me" Starr mumbled. "I-I just hate to just stand here and watch someone be in trouble and not be able to help them" Starr said.

"Just please give me Y/N's address and I swear I will never talk to you or go by you ever again" She swore.

"W-Whatever" Eun-Ji groaned.

"I'll give you her address bur I swear if you ever come by me again I'll make sure my sister hurts you" Eun-Ji threated.

Starr could only smile as she finally got what she wanted. "Thank you so much Eun-Ji" She smiled.

A/N: I know I said I was going to update this like a month ago, so sorry for the people that have been waiting

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