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♤ Abuse, Threats and Blood ♤

You stared at the plate Mr. Min had put in front of you. "You gave 10 minutes to eat this and if you don't your getting punished" his words played over and over in your mind as you continued to stare at the food. You didn't want to eat this, you didn't know if he drugged this or was trying to test you or somthing.

"Y/N you still gave food on your plate" Mr. Min announced as he walked towards you. "You only have 6 minutes left" He smiled.

"I'm not eating that" You grumbled.

"Oh you're not?" He raised his eyebrow, you glared at him and shook your head no, "I said I'm not eating that" You repeated.

Mr. Min looked at you as a smile appeared on his face. He roughly grabbed onto your hair and dragged you out of the chair and onto the ground.

"Y/N why can't you be a good girl" Mr. Min sighed. You bit your lip to hold the groans that were threatening to come out. "It's like you've forgotten every single thing I taught you" Mr. Min sighed.

"You didn't teach me anything!" You exclaimed.

Mr. Min stayed silent then grabbed onto your arm, dragging you back to your room. He threw you on the ground then slammed the door behind him. "She's lucky I love her" Mr. Min mumbled to himself as he fixed his glasses.

He walked downstairs and started to clean up the wasted food that you rudely didn't eat. He spent two hours on that just for you to not eat it.

Now he was understanding what your mother and father had to go through. He couldn't understand how they let you talk to them like that.

Mr. Min sat at the table when he was finished to collect his thoughts. He wanted you to love him and he wanted you to obey, but how was he supposed to do that when you were such a brat?

Mr. Min knew that if he put his hands on you then it would take longer for you to open up and love him. But if he didn't then you would just continue to act like a brat and treat him like he was nothing.

"If I hurt her then it has to be more than just a slap and punch" Mr. Min thought to himself "I need to hurt her badly but not too badly" He thought.

"God this is hard" Mr. Min groaned as he slapped the table in anger. He pulled at his hair trying to calm himself down, Mr. Min honestly hadn't think this far, he expected you to fall in love with him.

Which was stupid for him to think.

Mr. Min clenched his fist then made his way upstairs to your bedroom. He opened the door to see you laying on the bed holding your knees to your chest. "Y/N get up" he demanded.

You stayed on the bed as you sqeezed your legs closer to your chest. "Leave me alone" You grumbled.

Mr. Min rolled his eyes in frustration, then stomped over to you and pulled you onto the ground. "When i tell you to do something then you do it" Mr. Min command. He kicked you in your stomach over and over as he ignored your sobs.

"Why are you crying Y/N, I thought you were tough" Mr. Min scoffed.

You bit your lip to stop the sobs passing from your lips but failed everytime Mr. Min kicked you in your stomach.

"You are such a damn ungrateful brat, I am feeding you, helping you and protecting you but you still continue to act like a bitch" Mr. Min ranted.

He picked you up and slammed you onto the wall harshly "You will not be treating me like those damn school girls or your damn parents" He sneered.

"You will treat me like I am your husband and you will do whatever I say" Mr. Min demanded. You stared at your tutor as tears streamed down your face.

"I will never do what you say" You groaned.

Mr. Min glared at you then dropped you on the ground. He looked down at you with anger in his eyes then kneed you in your jaw.

You let out a loud cry as you could taste blood coming out your mouth.

"Come on Y/N you will do what I say because if you don't then I'll cut away each limb every month for when you don't change your behavior" Mr. Min threatened.

"I will lock you up in this room and starve you every day until you start begging me to feed you, i will leave you alone in the room for you to piss and shit on yourself like a damn baby" Mr. Min laughed.

You clenched your fist as Mr. Mins threats went in and out the other ear. You hated this man, you hated him ever since you met him and you wanted to beat the shit out of him.

He pulled you up from off the ground then held your face up so you could look him in his eyes.

"Now Y/N you can think whatever you want of me but we both know if you want to live then you'll do whatever I say" He smiled. Mr. Min didn't even wait for reply as he laid you on the bed and chained your ankle up.

Mr. Min bent down to your body and kissed you on the forehead with a smile on his face. "I love you" He smirked before walking towards the door.

Just as he was about to leave he froze when he heard your cracked voice.

"Why are you doing this to me? What the fuck did I ever do to you?" You quaked.

"Language Y/N" Mr. Min said "how many times do I have to repeat myself? I love you and I couldn't stand the idea of you leaving me when you turn 18" Mr. Min said.

"So I took you away, I'm not here to be some kind of monster" He sighed. "I'm here so we can be together, like a beautiful married couple" He smiled.

"But if you want to be brat then I'll be a monster" Mr. Min said as he looked at you. He glanced at the chain then walked out the bedroom.

"You'll understand soon Y/N, you'll understand that I'm helping you" Mr. Min thought as he locked the door.

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