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You sat in the back of your parents car listing to music as they drove you to the  court house. Your mother was telling you to behave yourself, to be nice to the judge and everyone in the room. "Sweetie even if you have to fake it, just don't act out please" Your mother begged.

You stayed silent, not even caring about what she was saying. You were going to do what you wanted to do, and if the judge wanted to send you to juvenile center then you would make Eun-Ji and Eun-Ju kill Jada.

"Okay we're here" Your mother said "Do you remember what I said sweetie" She asked as she looked at you. You glanced at her then nodded your head before getting out the car and walking inside.

"This girl is gonna be the death of us" Your father groaned. Your mother nodded her head agreeing with her husband then followed you inside.

You stood in front of the room right across from a judge who wasn't even looking at you. You mentally rolled your eyes wanting to hurry this whole process up. You were going to raise your hand but was distracted by the loud doors behind you slamming closed.

"Uh sorry we are late, We got caught in traffic" You turned around to see a tall dark skin women walking over to the judge with a man walking shortly behind her.

You squinted your eyes to get a better look and realize that it was the same man from yesterday. "Oh shit" You thought to yourself.  That man saw the whole incident that you caused and if you started to lie he would call you out in front of everyone.

You knew that you would have to make up a quick lie.

"Let's get started" The judge says as she hits her wooden hammer on the stand. The judge looks at you with a glare then starts to read off a paper.

"Today we are here for Y/N Nell" The judge states. "You are here for Assault and Theft which was all reported by Jada Miller" The Judge said as she gestured over to Jada.

You looked at the girl who was staring at you with hate in her eyes. You wanted to go over there and just beat her until she wasn't moving anymore.

How could Jada do this to you?

Sure you bullied her and made her life a living hell but Jada was taking this way to far.

"Now we have multiple evidence of you assaulting Jada from other students in the school so we would like if you just own up to it so we all can go home" The judge demanded.

"Listen Judge, I didn't do anything to Ja-" Jada quick cut you off by yelling "You're lying".

"You bitch I didn't do anything to you, you're the wrong that's lying" You yelled back. Everyone in the court room just watched as you and Jada were yelling back and forth.

Just as you opened your mouth to say something back, the judge hit her wooden hammer on the stand making the whole place silent.

"Listen Y/N, unless you want to have more years on your sentence then I suggest you be quite" The judge tells you with a rude tone. You stayed silent and just waited for the judge to continue to speak.

"Now Miss. Nell since you don't want to confess and we already have evidence, so you will be sent to a juvenile center for three years" The judge announced while looking you dead in your eyes. Both you and your parents stared at the judge with widen eyes.

"What the hell, Three years for doing a little bit of teasing" You yelled. Your parents came up from behind you trying to calm you down but you pushed the away. "That bitch is lying, I'm not going to center because of her" You continued.

Everyone just stared at you as you continued your outbreak.

"Please take her away" The judge said one of the police men making them walk over to you and hold you tightly in their arms as the drag you out of the court room as everyone just sat there and watched.

"Oh my baby" You mother said as she ran after you and cops with your father following right behind her.

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