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"Y/N you made it" Starr smiled as she walked over to you. "Some people are still arriving but there is a table over there with some juice and snacks if you wants some" She said as she guided you over there. You smiled at Starr then watched as she walked away to her group of friends.

As you grabbed a plate you could see a group of girls staring at you with worried looks on their face. "Why is she here" A girl whispered.

You turned to look at her with a strength expression then walked over to the group. "I'm here just like everyone else, know I think it would be best for all of yall to keep your mouth shut" You threatened.

One of the girls walked over to you then looked you and down. "Now why would we listen to you" She scoffed "We can go tell Starr that you're the reason her sister left and we can tell your mentor what you're doing" She smirked.

You stared at the girl for a second then started to laugh "Wow, you're corny" You laughed "I mean you can tell Starr but I doubt she'll belive you and if you do I'll make sure you end up like Jada but worse" You said with a blank face.

The two of you stared at each other ad tension started to grow but just as you were about to make a move, Starr came over asking if the food was good.

"Yeah the food is delicious" You replied with a smug look on your face. Starr smiled and grabbed your hand taking you to some tables that had books stacks high.

"I'm confused" You said making Starr look at you.

"What are you confused about" She asked.

"I thought book club was when people get together and talk about one book that they all read" You stated.

"Oh yeah i forgot to tell you, This book club is just us getting together and reading some books" Starr replied "It might seem boring but it's actually fun" She giggled.

You hummed and looked around to see that no one was reading. Everyone was just talking and eating.

"Well it looks like no one reading Starr" You said making Starr look around. You watched as she walked up to the group of girls and asked them why they weren't reading only for them to respond with a lame response.

"Oh well the books here are really boring and I was gonna bring my own book but forgot" They said.

Starr hummed then walked back over to with a sad expression on her face. "They all don't like the books here" She mumbled.

"What a dumb ass" You thought as you shook your head.

You grabbed Starrs hand and took her to one of the tables. "Well since no one is reading do you just wanna talk" You asked with raised eyebrows.

Starr nodded her head yes with a small smile on her face.

It seemed like an hour had passed since you and Starr started talking and it seemed like you two just couldn't stop but you obviously didn't care about anything she was saying and took this opportunity to get as much information you could out of her.

"So Starr why you come here, I mean why did you transfer here" You asked.

Starr sighed then looked you in your eyes. "I only transferred here because my sister was getting bullied" She sighed as she crossed her arms.

"Don't you know who the bully is" You questioned which made Starr shake her head no.

It took everything in you not to smile and laugh at Starr for being so dumb. You took a deep breath in and out to calm yourself down then looked at Starr to see that her eyes were watering.

"I-I just feel really bad for her, she just wanted to finish school and can't without having to fear that her bully is going to come back and do somthing to her" Starr stammered.

You sqeezed your fist to stop yourself from groaning outloud. You wanted pull Starr up and yell at her, telling her that it was you.

"I'm actually here so I can find out who was bullying my sister and bring them to justice" Starr ranted.

"Didn't the bully go to court?" You asked.

"Yeah they went to court and the court didn't even do anything, all they did was give them some sort of mentor and that's it" Starr exclaimed "It's so stupid, that bully almost left my sister paralyzed and they get to off with a silly warning" she groaned.

"Well don't worry Starr, I'll help you find the bully" You said with a smile on your face. Starr's eyes lit up in excitement as she walked over and hugged you tightly while thanking you over and over.

"Thank Y/N, I'm so greatful to have you" She said.

You opened your mouth to say something but the sound loud of knocking interrupted you.

"I got it" a girl said as she opened the door.

Immediately you rolled your eyes as you saw Mr.min standing there with his arms crossed as he glared at you.

"Uhh sir are you lost" Starr asked.

Before Mr. Min could even reply you cut him off by telling Starr that he was your ride.

"Is that your dad or-"

"No he's my boyfriend" You lied quickly, shocking both Starr and Mr.Min for two different reasons.

"Wow Y/N" Starr said "I didn't expect you to be into older guys" She laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah well I am" You huffed. You walked over to Mr.min who was standing there with widen eyes and held his hand.

"He doesn't like when I'm out late" You lied. "But since it is almost 8 I'll just go home" You said while waving goodbye to everyone.

You dragged Mr. Min outside then pushed him away from you. "Why the hell did you come, I get to stay out until my dad comes and picks me up" You yelled.

Mr. Min stared at you as you were throwing a temper tantrum then looked at his hands. He didn't know what he was feeling.

His heart was pounding.

His hands were starting to sweat.

And you were somehow starting to get attractive.

Mr. Min shook his head trying to convince himself that he was just going crazy. He couldn't be thinking about his own student like this, all you did was hold his hand!

"God I hate you" You grumbled which caught Mr. Min attention.

Mr. Min walked over to you and dragged you towards his car then shoved you inside, ignoring your complaints.

"I'm just being stupid" Mr. Min thought to himself as he drove away.


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