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"Finally Mr and Mrs. Nell I'm glad you came back on time, you're not to late and not to early" Mr. Min said with a smile on his face. Mrs.Nell walked in her house looking around to see if anything changed or if you were gonna come and greet her like a good child.

"Oh Mrs.Nell Y/N is upstairs in her room working on some extra paper work I gave" Mr.Min said as he went to close the door behind Mr.Nell.

"Can I go see Y/N" Mrs. Nell asked with a worried tone.

"I'm sorry but the two of you will be able able in see Y/N tomorrow after school" Mr.Min tells them.

Your mother didn't get a chance to ask why. Since Mr. Min quickly grabbed his things and went upstairs to the guest room leaving both your parents alone, confused and worried for their trouble child.

"Don't worry sweetie I'm sure Mr. Min doesn't want us to see Y/N becapuse she is working right now" Your father sighed. Your mother looked at the clock that was sitting on the table and saw that it was almost midnight. 

"I don't want Y/N being up all night" Your mother whined. Your father looked at his wife with an awkward smile and shrugged his shoulders. 

"I know you're worried but you want Y/N to be a normal child and to stop getting into trouble then we have to trust Mr.Min" Your father said.

Your mother hummed and nodded her head wholw mumbling a okay. Your father smile a bit then grabbed his wife's  hand leading her upstairs to their bedroom.

Your mother didn't know what she wad feeling but something in the back of her mind was trying to warn her about something. She looked at her husband who was changing his clothes and looked down at the soft floor.

"Maybe I'm just going crazy" You mother sighed.

"Good Morning Y/N, it's time to wake up" You opened your eyes and looked at your room door to see Mr. Min standing there with a smile on his face and holding a cup of coffee. 

You groaned to yourself and looked around at your clock to see that it was 4:30 AM in the morning. "What the hell, why are you waking me up so early" you cried.

"Y/N you have to eat breakfast and we have to talk with your principal too, so you need to hurry and get up so we can leave" Mr. Min explained.

You stared at him for a second then closed your eyes to go back to sleep.

"Oh this girl" Mr. Min mumbled. He walked over to you and snatched the blanket off the bed.

You quickly sat up and glared at Mr. Min. "I'm tired and I want to go to sleep" You whined.

"Like i care" Mr. Min laughed "Now hurry up and get up, you have twenty minutes" He says before walking out the bedroom.

"I fucking hate you" You mumbled under your breath. You got up from bed then started to do your morning routine.  You brushed your teeth, washed your face and got dressed.

When you got downstairs you saw Mr. Min standing there with his phone in his hand. He looked over to you and smiled, "Wow Y/N you only had one minute left" He said.

You looked at him then walked into the kitchen to grab yourself something you eat but Mr. Min quickly grabbed onto your shoulder spinning you around to face him.

"What are you doing Y/N" He asked. You furrowed your eyebrows with a confused expression on your face. "I'm trying to get me something to eat" You replied.

"Oh no no no Y/N, you can eat later" Mr. Min says. He grabs onto your arm and drags you over to the front door. "Y/N you have to earn to your right to eat' He told you.

You opened your mouth to yell at him but he immediately pushed you out the house and slammed door behind him. "You have to be a good girl to eat" He said. Mr. Min dragged you to his car and pushed you inside then slammed the door.

You couldn't do anything but just sit there and wait for him to get in the car. Your blood was boiling at this point, Mr. Min was treating you like some pet and your own parents didn't even notice what was going on under their own roof.

The car ride was silent.

It felt like the school was getting farther and father. 

But when you finally arrived at school, Mr. Min dragged inside and to the principals office.  "Now Y/N when we get there I want you to do what you're doing and just be quite" Mr. Min said.

You mentally rolled your eyes then followed Mr. Min to the office.  Once you two arrived, Mr. Min sat you down in a chair and called for Mr.Atohi's assistant telling her that he was ready for the meeting.

It didn't take long for Mr. Atohi to arrive,   When he did he immediately started to talk.

"It's good to see you again Y/N" Mr. Atohi smile. You glared at him then sighed "Can we hurry this up please" You groaned.

Mr. Min glanced at you from the side of his eye then let out a smile laugh. "Sorry for her, I'm still working on her behavior" He laughed making Mr. Atohi smiled a bit then grabbed some papers that were sitting on his desk.

"Well here you go Mr. Min, Sadly we have to let Y/N in the school but if Y/N breaks any of thoses rules we have writing on thoses papers then we can kick her out of our school" Mr. Atohi said.

Mr. Min hummed as he took in the information then opened the file to examine the papers. You looked over at him to see the papers but Mr. Min hid them.

"Miss Nell, we would really appreciate it if you sigh your name on theses papers and if you follow our rules" Mr. Atohi says "We would hate to kick you out of our school" Mr. Atohi lied.

You groaned really loudly and grabbed the paper that Mr. Min was handing over go you. "Why are Yall doing all this cuz I fought someone, literally other people in this school fight and yall don't even blink an eye" You mumbled.

"Well Y/N thoses people fight for reasonS and they get punishments but you are going around assaulting people, stealing and smoking illegal substances on our school property, which no one in the school has done besides you and thoses two terrible girls that are always with you"  Mr. Atohi smiled.

Mr. Min handed you a pen then told you to sign it. You mentally signed to yourself as you grabbed the paper and sighed wherever Mr. Atohi told you to.

"Thank you Y/N, we are happy ro have you back and we ar-" Mr. Atohi immediately stopped talking when you got up and walked out the office in a hurry.

"I'm sorry about her" Mr. Min apologize "She's just so happy to be back" Mr. Min laughed.

Mr. Atohi smiled a bit then leaned in closer with a serious face. "Mr. Min I am trusting you and I want you to make sure that Y/N is well behaved when she is in my school" He said.

Mr. Min hummed while he nodded his head. "Don't worry I'll make sure Y/N is good 24/7" He said, making a big smile grow Mr. Atohi's face.

Mr. Min shook Mr. Atohis hand then got up and walked out office. The second he was out,  he immediately started to search for you.

He didn't want you sneaking off.

"Y/N where are you" Mr. Min mumbled to himself.

It didn't take long for Mr. Min to find you. He walked outside and spotted you talking to Eun-Ju and Eun-Ji. He was tempted to walk over there but decided to stay away just to watch you.

"Y/N you dumb little girl" Mr. Min smiled.

A/N: Sorry for the late updates, My job and school are really taking up all my time but I'm gonna try and update when I can.

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