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♤ A little bit of Abusive behavior ♤

Mr. Min stared at your sleeping figure with a smile on his face. He was happy that he had you but couldn't help but feel guilty for what was going to come. Everything that he did was going to come back for him.

"Oh Y/N, I know you're going to be mad when you wake up but don't worry, I know once I tell you everything you'll understand" Mr. Min whispered to himself as he played with your hair.

You let out a small groan, making Mr. Min back up in fear. He stared at you for a second then realized that you were starting to wake up.

Mr. Min cursed at himself and quickly made sure the window was locked before running out the guest room locking the door right behind him.

You opened your eyes slowly, while letting out a small moan. Your ears were ringing like crazy and your head hurting. "What the hell" You mumbled as you sat up.

You looked around with a confused expression. You were scared but knew if you started to scream that would alert the person who took you, know that you were awake.

You looked around to get a better look and saw that there was a chain on your ankle that connected to wall near-by. "Where the fuck am i" You whispered to yourself while pulling on the chain slightly.

You clenched your fist in anger as you tried to think of anyone who would want to kidnap you.

But you screwed to many people over and treated everyone like they were trash.

You knew it wasn't Starr, that bitch was weak and couldn't even hurt a fly.

You knew it wasn't Eun-Ji or Eun-Ju since they would've forgotten drug you.

The only people you could think of was Mr. Atohi, Your parents and Jada. You treated all of them like they were dogs and made their lives miserable everyday.

You couldn't do anything if you wanted to so you just decided to lay back down and wait for your kidnapper to make themselves known.

After an hour or so passed by you heard the door creak open. You sat up and clenched your fist getting ready to knock out the rando who kidnapped you.

"I'm gonna fucking ki-"

"Oh Y/N you're awake"

"Mr. Min" You yelled.

The two of you stared at each other as awkwardness filled the room. Mr.min opened his mouth to say somthing but you immediately interrupted him by letting out a fake laugh.

"Mr. Min is this some kinda of joke or somthing" You laughed "are you trying to test me?" You asked with widen eyes.

Mr. Min just stood there was he watched you have your outburst. He didn't know what to say, he was scared and could feel guilt in his whole body. He took a step forward only to see that you quickly took one back.

"Stay the hell away from me" You screamed at the man. Your hands were shaking and your heart was pounding as the realization was starting to set in.

You were kidnapped by your fucking tutor.

"Baby plea-"

"Baby" You scoffed, you seriously couldn't believe anythingthat was happening right now, "Don't ever call me that again, I swear I will kill you" You yelled.

"Y/N please calm down, I can't explain anything to you if you keep acting crazy" Mr. Min said as took another step closer. You furrowed your eyebrows and backed away from Mr. Min again.

How could he ask you to calm down after Kiddnaping his own student?

"Mr. Min you have nothing to explain, you fucking took me somewhere without my consent and you have never chained up like I'm some fucking slave" You hissed. "You're  a fucking creep, and I swear if you take one more step I'm gonna beat your fucking ass" You threatened.

Mr. Min stopped in his tracks as he heard your threats then clenched his fist in anger. He couldn't belive that you would talk to him like that, he was only trying to help you and you were being an ungrateful brat.

"Y/N I'm only trying to help you" Mr. Min calmly said "If you would stop being an ungrateful brat then I could talk" He continued.

You shook your head ignoring Mr. Min and told him to stay back. Mr. Min stood there for a second then stormed over to you, getting pissed that you weren't listening to him. He grabbed onto your arm, ignoring you yells and threw you on the floor.

"Y/N shut up" He yelled "I-Im just trying to help you" Mr. Min whined as he watched you silently cry on the floor. He picked you up and placed you back on the bed as softly as he could.

"J-Just please hear me out" Mr. Min begged.

You stared at the floor as everything Mr
Min was saying was going through one ear and out the other.

"I didn't kidnap you okay? I was just taking you away before Mrs. Nala did" He sighed. "And if she took you away t-then I would have never seen you again and I couldn't let that happen" He whined.

He placed both his hands on your face, making you look up at him. He gave you a small smile as he wiped the tears off your face. "Please don't cry baby, I promise I will spoil you, I will take care of you, feed you and treat you like a damn queen" Mr. Min smiled.

You stayed silent for a second then kicked Mr. Min in the privates as hard as you could.

"I said don't. Call. Me. Baby." You sternly said.

Mr. Min groaned as fell on the ground, you stared at him for second then ran towards the door bur before you could even open the door, Mr. Min grabbed onto your hair and threw you on the ground.

"God Y/N you're starting to piss me the hell off" Mr. Min groaned. He roughly grabbed your arm and pulled you onto the bed. "I know you're mad right now, but I can't do anything if you're continue to act like a brat" Mr. Min said.

You struggle in Mr. Min grip, as you tried to pull yourself away from him.

Mr. Min let out a small sigh and got off of you. He sent you a glare before shaking his head in disappointment.

"You know Y/N, I'm really disappointed that you're forcing me to go back to my old ways" He sighs "I really wanted to treat you differently but I guess you want to do this the hard way" He scoffs.

Mr. Min fixed his glasses then made his way over to the door. "Don't worry Y/N it will be like old times" Mr. Min smiled as he walked out the door.

You stared at the ceiling as tears continued to stream down your face.

You couldn't belive what was happening.

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