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♤Warning's: Kidnapping, Vomit and Blood ♤

Starr stared at the piece of paper in her hand then let out a shakey sigh. "Okay Starr you got this don't be scared" She mumbled to herself. "Thank you" She said to her uber driver before stepping out the car and walking towards your front door.

Starr knocked the door then waited, trying to see if you would just open the door and greet her with a smile on your face.

But as seconds passed she started to realize that fantasy wasn't happening. "Come on Y/N, open the door" Starr muttered to herself as she knocked on the door once again.

Just as she did her last knock the door opened slowly. Starr pushed the door open and looked around to see that darkness filled the house.

"Mr and Mrs. Nell are you here?" Starr yelled around while walking deeper into the house. As she walked closer to the kitchen a strong smell of blood filled her nose.

"Ugh what the hell" Starr exclaimed while walking deeper into the kitchen. As she turned the corner she could see decomposing body's of Mrs. and Mr. Nell on the ground with pools of blood around them.

Starr let out loud scream and ran back into the living room. She tried to calm herself down but she just couldn't help it, she held onto her knees and threw up.

She let out groans as chunks flew out of her mouth.

Once she was done, she held onto her stomach in pain and stumbled towards the front door. As she opened it she could see a car pulled up right behind hers and stop.

Feeling scared, Starr quickly closed the door and ran back into to hide. "Oh god what's happening?" She whined to herself.

"Who's here?"

Starrs ears purked up as she could hear the sound of a man's voice in front of the door. The sound of the front door opening caused chills to run down Starrs spin.

She was stuck in the kitchen with two decomposing body's and a random man walking around.

"Y/N let's hurry up"

Starr furrowed her eyebrows as the man mentioned your name. She peeked around the corner to see you standing behind a man with raggedy clothes on and bruises all over your body.

The man turned around causing Starr to gasp. She quickly covered her mouth and went back to hiding silently praying that the man didn't hear her.

"What was that?" The man asked causing you to shrug.

"Mr. Min??" Starr thought to herself.

"Stop being dumb and let's go Y/N" Mr. Min sternly said before dragging you upstairs.

Starr could only sit there in confusion and horror as she wanted your own mentor roughly drag you upstairs to do god knows what. "I need to get out of here" She whispered to herself.

Starr stood up slowly making sure no one was around and quickly walked over to the front door. She pulled on the handle only for it to not budge. "What the-"

Before Starr could even pull on it again someone tapped on shoulder.

Starr turned around in fear and saw Mr. Min staring dead at her with a smile on his face.

"I knew someone was here" He says.

Starr could only stand there in fear as Mr. Min looked her up down with disappointment on his face. "Why are you breaking in your classmates house? That's not very good" He stated.

"I-" Starr couldn't even speak as she noticed you standing behind Mr. Min with your head held down. "I-I was just trying to find Y/N s-she wasn't at school a-an-"

Starr stopped talked when Mr. Min turned around and walked away with a tight grip on your arm.

She was confused and scared but immediately took this chance to try and open the door. "Open please, open please" She cried to herself.

Once the door finally did open, Starr ran out the house to see that her uber was gone. She ran towards Mr. Min car and opened the door then hid inside.

"This is so dumb" Starr hissed at herself. How could she do this to herself? She didn't bring a weapon or someone to make sure she was safe.

Now she was going to die.

Starr wiped the tears from her face and felt her pockets to feel her phone. Starr almost screams in excitement and quickly took out her phone to call 911.

As she pressed the green button she could hear someone knocking on the car window. She turned around to see Mr. Min staring down at her with amusement on his face.

Starr let out a loud scream and triednto start to car, but Mr. Min jiggled the keys in the window and chuckled. He opened the door and stood there watching as Starr backed away into the passenger seat.

"Y/N" He called out.

Starr looked around to see you standing on the other side with blank expression. Before she could even say anything, you opened the door and pulled her out of the car causing her to hit the hard ground.

Starr grunted and crawled away from you. She held her hands up begging you not to hurt her but all you did was standing there and stare at her.

"Oh please, My baby would never hurt you"

Starr turned her attention to Mr. Min who was walking towards her and backed away as he got closer.

"My baby Y/N doesn't hurt people anymore, with a little bit of training you and change peoples behavior just like that" Mr. Min laughed. He bent down to Starrs level and grabbed onto her face roughly.

"Ever since I met you, I knew you were going to be a problem" Mr. Min sighed." But I'm glad I have you in my hands" He said.

Starr furrowed her eyebrows then punched Mr. Min in his face as hard as she could. She stumbled up and ran, trying distance herself from the craze man but when she looked back Mr. Min was right behind her.

Starr screamed loudly, hoping she would catch someone's attention. As she ran down the road she could hear Mr. Min laugh right behind her.

Starr looked back once again to see Mr. Min right behind her. Before she could even say anything Mr. Min tackled her on the ground.

"I like how you're so eager to escape, you're just like Y/N" He laughed.

Mr. Min roughly grabbed onto Starrs hair and dragged her all the way back home ignoring all her screams of pain.

Once he was back, he threw Starr on the ground and rolled his eyes when he saw the tears ans snot streaming down her face.

"Y-Y/N please help me, please" She begged as she reached her arm out towards you causing you to back up. You looked away from Starr and held onto yourself trying to stop yourself from throwing up.

Her face was covered in blood and she had scars all over her face. Everytime she talked spits of blood was fly out her mouth.

"I-Im sorry Starr" You mumbled.

"Baby come help me put this in the trunk" Mr. Min announced. You walked over to him and helped him pick Starr up.

The two of you forced Starr in the trunk then slammed it closed. You stood there as you could hear Starrs loud sob from inside the trunk.

You felt bad, she didn't deserve this.

"Baby stop standing there and looking stupid, let's get your clothes and leave" Mr. Min stated before grabbing and dragging you back inside your home.

Leaving Starr in the hot trunk.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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