
810 39 12

♤ Warnings: Blood, Threats and Abuse ♤

Mr.Min walked over to you and just stared at you making you confused and freaked out. You took a step back and before you could even open your mouth to insult him, Mr.Min pushed you down on the ground harshly.

"What the fu-"

"Y/N I would usually let you off the hook because I didn't tell you the rules but since you're a fuckinf brat I know that thoses rules would mean nothing to you" Mr.Min softly said.

You tried to get up and run away but Mr.Min was quicker than you. He grabbed you by your hair and dragged you upstairs, letting you hit your head on each step as he got higher.

"Let go of me" You cried as you tried to get out of Mr.Min's right grip.

Mr.Min kicked your bedroom door then threw you inside. You crawled over to corner of the room and held your hands out in front of you to shield yourself from Mr.Min.

Mr. Min laughed at your reaction then closed the bedroom door before walking over to you. He bent down and grabbed your face, holding onto your cheeks tightly.

"Wow, I never thought tough Y/N who hurts her own parents gives up a fight when I only pulled on your hair" Mr.Min laughed.

You opened your mouth to say something but Mr.Min stopped you by placing a finger on your mouth. He grinned then stood up and torn a few steps back.

"Y/N I have five rules that I want you to remember and follow" Mr. Min says as he puts both of his hands in his pockets. You looked down at the ground and started to sob as Mr.Min just stared at you with a smile.

"Rule number one, is always obey and listen to what I do" Mr.Min announced. He walked over to you and grabbed onto your hair tightly making you look at him. "And you say yes sir after everything" He tells you.

Your let out a whine and try to get out of Mr.Mins tight grip but he holds on to you tightly. "Y/N say yes sir or I'm gonna beat your face to a plump" He threatened.

"Yes sir" You cried as more tears went down your face.

Mr. Min smiled then mumbled a good girl before harshly letting go of your hair.

"Rule number two, is be respectful to your peers and people that are older to you" He says.

"Rule number three, Is to be by me 24/7" Mr. Min says. "If I have to search for you like I did today then your punishment is going to be worse than today" He explained.

"Rule number four, Be respectful to me" He said "Im just like Mrs. Nala, but worse" Mr. Min tells you. "If you curse, say any inappropriate language or try to be disrespectful to me then you'll get a I punishment".

"Do you understand" He asked.

You nodded your head slightly while mumbling a yes sir.

Mr. Min smiled in satisfaction then continued his little speech. "And Rule number five, don't hangout or talk to anyone unless I say you can" Mr. Min said. "Which means you're going to stay away from those horrible girls, Eun-Ju and Eun-Ji" He smiles.

You look up at him with teary eyes, You were so embarrassed and humiliated that Mr. Min made you like this just by using his words.

"Now Y/N what do we say" Mr. Min asked with a childlike voice.

You sighed to yourself then mumbled a yes sir. Mr. Min laughed then told you to stay there before walking out the room to go grab something. 

You didn't know why, you didn't get up but you just decided to stay there and wait for him to come back.

When Mr. Min come back, he was holding a big black bad in his hands. Mr. Min locked the bedroom door then turned around to look at you.

Your heart was pounding wondering what the hell was in Mr. Min bag.

"Aw Y/N are you scared" Mr. Min asked.

You stayed silent as you watched Mr. Min open the bag and grab some items from inside. When his hand came out the bag it was full of paperwork.

"Don't worry Y/N, since this is your first punishment I won't hurt you to bad so you'll just have to do some paperwork" Mr. Min explained. He threw the papers on to you then grabbed his things and walked out the room whole slamming the door loudly. 

You pushed the papers off your body then quickly stood up with wobbly legs.

You walked over to the door and grabbed onto the know and opened it slowly. Before you would walk out you saw Mr.Min standing there with his arms crossed. 

"Y/N I just left and you're already breaking the rules" Mr. Min scoffed.

He grabbed onto your arm then dragged you back into the room. Mr. Min threw you down on the ground and got on drop of you holding onto your neck rightly with both of his hands.

"God Y/N you're lucky you're cute cause I would've snapped your neck just like the other kids" Mr. Min smiled.

You whined and groaned as you clawed at his hands. It felt like he was squeezing tightly and was just holding on your neck at the same time.

You and Mr. Min were in the position for about five minutes until he got off of you and kicked you in your stomach multiple times.

"I can't believe Jada was ever scared of you" Mr. Min scoffed. He fixed his glasses and watched as you laid on the ground coughing and crying.

"Be a good girl Y/N and finish the paper work" Mr. Min said "You have until nine o'clock" He mumbled before walking out the room.

You looked at the clock and saw that is was almost eight. You stood up weakly wiping some blood off your mouth.

You grabbed the papers the were scrambled on the ground and started to get to work.

You were scared, in pain and embarrassed, but you were gonna get revenge on Mr. Min.

He was gonna pay for what he just did.

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