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♤ Kidnapping, Blood and Death♤

"So Y/N since your birthday is coming up, i was thinking about letting you hang out with your old friends again" Mr. Min smiled as he walked you to his car. A school day had just ended which ment Mr. Min got to spend a whole 15 minutes alone with you, without having any student or teacher watching the both of you.

Like always you ignored Mr. Min and got in the car waiting for him to hurry and drive you home, making Mr. Min shook his head in disappointment then got in the car, taking the both of you home.

It pissed Mr. Min off how all his attempts on making you break a rule of act out has all failed. It was like you knew what he was doing and was avoiding it by all cost.

Yeah he had the audio of you threatening Starr but that wasn't enough.

When the two of you arrived home, Mr. Min watched as you walked inside and then hit the top of his car in frustration trying his best not to throw a whole tantrum outside in public. 

"Why the hell is Y/N being so good" Mr. Min thought to himself. He hit himself on the head a few times, trying his best to make a idea pop up in his head but nothing would happen.

He only had two more days until you turned 18, and it looked like he didn't have enough time to do his terrible plan.

Mr. Min clenched his fist in anger then made his way inside.

"Oh hey Mr. Mi-"

"Mr and Mrs. Nell I will be out for a couple of hours, I need to do some papers and give them to my boss" Mr. Min interrupted. He walked out the house and quickly got in the car, driving anywhere the vehicle would take him.

Mr. Min was panicking, the girl he loved was going to send him away and the only way he could stop it was take you away, but obviously he couldn't do that...

Could he?

"Stop thinking like that" Mr. Min mumbled to himself as he shook his head, trying her best to get rid of those nasty thoughts.

But everytime they would go away, they would come back not even a second later.

Every thought that was coming into his head was playing out him kidnapping you, Killing your parents and anyone else that would try to take you away from him.

Mr. Min let out a sigh then parked his car in an empty parking spot. There was no cars or anyone around, which just left Mr. Min alone with his terrible thoughts. "What the hell is wrong with me" Mr. Min groaned to himself.

He held his head back, letting out a loud groan. He turned his head to see a store that held a huge sign saying, "WE SALE EVERYTHING YOU NEED, GUNS, SNACKS, ALCOHOL AND MORE, COME INSIDE AND BUY FOR LOW PRICES!!".

"Where the hell am i" Mr. Min asked himself. "What type of store sales guns and snacks at the same time" Mr. Min scoffed. 

He stared at the sign as the words blinked on and off. The intrusive thoughts that he had slowly started to make their way back into his mind.

"If I do this, I could have Y/N all for myself" Mr. Min whispered to himself "But I could get caught and go to jail" Mr. Min second guessed himself. 

He sat in the car trying his best to convince himself not to do somthing bad, but thinking about all the good memories that he could have with you made him pick his decision.

In the blink of an eye, Mr. Min found himself walking to the werid store looking around for a gun that he could buy.

Mr. Min decided to buy three guns, and some knifes and quickly drove himself back to the house while his heart was pounding.

It felt like someone was watching him, shaming him about everything he was going to do.

"Don't worry, This will go smoothly" Mr. Min thought, trying to hype himself up.

Mr. Min started at the house, as he had the bags of guns and knifes in his lap. He needed to think about a way he was going to do this. 

He was going to kill your Mother.

Your father.

Then go upstairs and knock you out.

He didn't know where he was going to go, or where he was going to take you but he knew he couldn't just stay in the house where your dead parents where gonna be.

That would just make you hate him even more.

He knows you hate him, he knows you resent him but he wanted you to love him and for him to do that, then he needed to force you to love him, which was going to hurt him even more.

Mr. Min grabbed the bags and walked inside like he was just a robot. Nothing was going through his mind, everything was blank as Mr. Min walked into the bathroom and started to load up the guns.

Everything was blank when Mr. Min walked into your parent's room, pointed to gun at their face and pulled the trigger, letting blood splatter everywhere.

And letting loud bangs go around the house.

Everything was blank when Mr. Min went upstairs to your bedroom and knocked on the door.

Everything was blank when he knocked you once you opened the door.

And everything was blank when he stuffed you in his trunk and drove off into nothingness.

Mr. Min had finally done it.

He had you and wasn't going to let you go.

A/N: I low-key don't like this book, it's like my other book TAKENED, This book isn't going like how I want it 🧍🏿

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