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"That man is psycho, he literally put his hands on me" You shouted to Eun-Ju and Eun-Ji. "I-Im mean I'm being treated like a damn animal all because I did a bully a girl that doesn't even know how to fight" You groaned as you grabbed the cigarette from Eun-Ji hand.

"Y/N you should tell your parents about this weirdo" Eun-Ji said. "Even if I wanted to I couldn't, he has them both wrapped around his figure and I'm pretty sure they would believe his lies over my truth" You mumbled.

"Wanna jump him" Eun-Ju asked. Both you and Eun-Ji look at her as if she was crazy. "Girl if we even touch him, he could go back to his job and report all three of us" Eun-Ji replied.

"Hey Y/N, your back" you turned around to see Dari walking towards you with a smile on her face. You asked her what she wanted and she just laughed as she hit you on your arm slightly.

"Y/N I just wanted to see if the rumors were true" Dari grinned. You furrowed your eyebrows confused and looked her up and down.

"What the hell do you want" You asked with a rude tone.

"Y/N I just wanted to come greet you, I'm so glad you're back" Dari said "The school had been so boring without you and Jada has been making school hell for everyone" she explained.

"What do you mean" You asked making Dairi's eyes widen. "I thought Eun-Ju and Eun-Ji told you" Dari said.

You looked at the two sisters who had a confused expression. They shrugged their shoulders and brought their attention back to Dari wondering what she was talking about.

"Explain" You demanded.

"Well Jada has been going around talking to people about your mentor and how they can use your mentor to blackmail you" Dari explained. 

Hearing thoses words escape from Dairi's mouth made your heart drop, "Why the hell is she doing that" You exclaimed.

"I think she's doing it because her younger sister is coming here soon and I guess she doesn't want you hurting her sister" Dari shrugged.

You groaned loudly in annoyance and balled your fist up. You wanted to did Jada and kill her. You took a deep breath in and out to try and calm yourself down then looked at Dari and asked her why she telling you this.

Dari walked closer to you and placed her hand on your shoulder. "I'm telling you this because I like you Y/N" Dari grinned.

"You bitch" Eun-Ji yelled as she walked over to Dari. You placed your hand up to stop her and told her to stay there. "Y/N you expect me to stand here like a dog while some slut is trying to get all up on you" Eun-Ji yelled.

"Oh please don't act like you care about Y/N now" Dari yelled back " the two of you are supposed to be her best friends but literally did nothing to help her when she went to court" Dari said.

"You two were the ones who hurt Jada, I wouldn't be surprised if yall bribe her to put the blame on Y/N" Dari argued.

"Bitch what the hell are you talking about" Eun-Ju said "Why the hell would we do that" She yelled.

You stood there and watched as your friends and Dari argued. The whole situation was stupid and was making you more angry than you were before.

You opened your mouth to tell them to shut up but a smooth deep voice made you freeze.

"Finally Y/N, I've been looking for you" Mr. Min said as he walked up behind you and placed his hand on your shoulder. 

Every one became quite. They stared at him like he was an alien.

"Hello ladies, may I ask why you three are skipping class" Mr. Min asked with a smile on his face. The three girls looked at each other then back at Mr. Min.

"Oh it's my lunch period, I wasn't skipping" Dari replied. 

Mr. Min looked at his watch then back at Dari. "Well you better head back because you have one minute left before the bell rings" He grinned. Dari nodded her head yes then waved goodbye to you before making her way back into the school building.

"Well I guess we should get going to" Eun-Ju mumbled as she grabbed onto Eun-Ji arm. Just as they were gonna walk away Mr. Min told then to stay there.

"Listen, I know you two girls are really close to Y/N but I want you two to stay away from her and to stay in school" Mr. Min said making Eun-Ju laughed a bit.

"Is something funny" Mr. Min asked.

"I think it's funny that a corrupt mentor that hits on girls is trying to tell us what to do, u suggest you leave Y/N, me and my sister alone before we go expose you" She smirked.

Mr. Min looked her up and down with a disgusted expression before he starting laughing. "I'm sorry I just had to laugh"  He said.

"Do you really think you could blackmail me" Mr. Min asked "You two girls are just like Y/N, You beat, harass and steal from people, I seriously doubt that anyone would belive you delinquents" He laughed.

Eun-Ju took her cigarette out her mouth and threw it at Mr. Min face burning him right under eye. She laughed as he groaned in pain then quickly grabbed her sisters arm running away before Mr. Min could even do anything.

You looked at Mr. Min took see that he was groaning in pain then looked up to see Eun-Ji and Eun-Ju running away. You wanted to run away with them but as soon as you got the courage to run Mr. Min grabbed onto your hair tightly. 

"Y/N I thought I told you to stay away from thoses delinquents" He mumbled. You groaned and tried to get out of his grasp but he held tightly.

"You're lucky we're at your school" He said as he let go of your hair. He looked you up and down with a disgusted expression then grabbed onto your arm tightly dragging you into the schol.

Once you were in the school building, Mr. Min mad you walk down the hallway during passing period. Everyone was staring at you and it made you feel like an alien but you kept your head up high.

As Mr. Min was walking you to your first period you passed by Jada who was staring at you with a small smile on her face. She tried to hide it but you saw it immediately.

You wanted to go up to her and bash her head into the locker into until it was red mash potatoes. 

"Come on Y/N" Mr. Min demanded as he continued to drag you.

You mumbled something under your breath. Jada ruined your life by lying on your name. Jada was gonna be transferring soon and her sister was going to be coming here.

Jada made your life hell so you were gonna do the same to hers.

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