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It was Monday, which ment it was time for you to go back to school. You and everyone else in the house would usually be up at 6, but Mr. Min was up and ready at 3.

See Mr. Min was at the store looking some cameras. After his whole sexual dream he had, a thought came to his mind. He started to wonder if you were having these same dreams and thoughts just like him.

Mr. Min tried to tell himself that it was him being delusional but after a hour or two he finally convinced himself.

He even confessed himself that he heard you moaning his name.

Which was why he was looking for camera's. He knew that he couldn't miss out on that, he had a chance to see you naked and he could waste that opportunity.

"Sir, do you have smaller cameras than theses" Mr. Min asked one of the workers.  The workers looked at him with a judgment face then told him that they had some in the back.

Mr. Min stood there with a blank expression knowing that the worker was definitely talking about him to his friends.

The worker was probably calling him a creep or pervert but Mr. Min didn't care, the worker could judge him all he wanted but Mr. Min knew what he was doing was got a good thing.

When the worker finally came back, he handed Mr. Min a box that had a picture of very small camera displayed on the front. "These are the smallest we have" The worker said with a blank expression.

Mr. Min looked at him with a small smile on his face, "This is perfect, thank you very much" Mr. Min said before walking away. After he paid for everything he quickly made his way home, while silently praying that you were still asleep.

Mr. Min stood in front of your door trying to hear if you were asleep. He placed his hand on the knob then turned it very slowly while pushing the door. "Please be sleep, please be sleep" Mr.min prayed to himself as he tip toed into your room.

He looked at you for a while then let out a sigh of relief when he saw you sound asleep. Mr. Min grabbed his four cameras and started to put them in the four corners of his room.

Mr. Min was so happy that he was tall as he put the last camera on the wall. He didn't need a ladder and he didn't need to stand on anything which made his whole mission very smooth.

When he was finished he kissed you on the forehead then grabbed some of your underwear before leaving with smile on his face.


"Which one of yall were in my room" You grumbled at your parents. Your father and mother looked at each other with confused expression. "U-Uh sweetie we weren't in your roo-" You cut your father off by throwing your shoe at him.

"Don't lie to me" You yelled at him. "Some of my underwear is missing and I know you two were the only ones washing clothes" You said as you clenched your fist.

Your mother and father both stood there with fear and confusion, wondering what their daughter was yelling about.

"Y/N please calm down"

You turned around to see Mr. Min standing there with a smile on his face as he continued to speak. "Your parents probably lost your undergarments, there is no reason to be yelling and throwing a tantrum at 5 in the morning" He stated.

"Whatever bitch, the three of you better stay out my room" You grumbled as you made your way back to your room, but just as you were getting there Mr. Min placed his hand on your shoulder. 

"Now Y/N you know better than to use that language around be and especially to your parents" Mr. Min said "Now, you should apologize to them or I'm gonna give you your second strike" He threatened.

You glared at Mr. Min the smacked his hand off you. "I'm sorry" You mumbled before walking away.

When you got to your room, you sat on your bed and looked at your phone to see the multiple text messages from Eun-Ji and Starr. "What the hell does she want" You thought to yourself as you pressed on Starrs profile.

"Hey Y/N I heard that your birthday is coming up, when is it?" You mumbled as you read the message put loud. You let out a loud huh as you furrowed your eyebrows.

It was almost 5:30 in the morning and Starr was texting you about your birthday.

"My birthday is in two weeks, why are you asking?" You texted back. You placed your phone down and quickly got dressed for school, not even trying to put effort in your outfit.

Once you were finished you grabbed your bags qnd everything you needed for school and made your way downstairs. You saw Mr. Min standing at the doorway reading some random papers.

"I'm ready" You announced, Mr. Min looked you up and down and smile. "Well let's get you to school then" He grinned as he held the door open for you.

You looked at him on the conner of your eye as you walked out the house and made your way to the car. You checked your phone to see if Starr replied but only saw a new message from your mom telling you to have a good day at school.

"She's so annoying" You groaned to yourself as you got in the car.

When Mr. Min got in the vehicle he turned around and looked at you with a smile on his face.

"Ew why are you staring at me" You asked. "Well Y/N I just wanted to ask what you were gonna do for your birthday" He asked.

"Why do you care" You asked with attitude. "Well I just wanted to know, I mean your going to be a full adult in two weeks which means you can do whatever you want" He replied. 

You looked at him then grinned making Mr. Min heart flutter. "First im going to get rid of you then second I'm going to move out and live with Eun-ji" You told him.

"Well Y/N just because you turn 18, doesn't mean I just disappear" He tells you "I'll still be here" He says with a more serious tone.

You glared at him and shrugged your shoulders "whatever" You mumbled as you went back on your phone. Mr. Min let out a small sigh and turned around to start the car.

As he drove the two of you to school, The thought of you moving out was racing through his mind. It was like the universe was trying to pull you away from him at every chance they got.

First, you had good behavior which ment they were gonna send him away, Second, you were turning into a adult in two weeks which ment the state would send Mrs. Nala to see if you were on good behavior and if you WERE they would send him away.

It was like he had no chance on being with you.

Mr. Min sqeezed on the steering wheel tightly as the thought of being pushed away from you made him want to crash the car.

Suddenly the thought of the recording that he took of you crossed his mind.

You were obviously going to act like you were good if Mrs. Nala came so he needed you to get as close to Starr and quickly do your terrible plan so he could give you strike.

However for him to do that, he needed you to hang out with your terrible friends, which took time away from him.

But for him to have the time of his life, great sacrifices needed to be made.


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