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"Y/N, hurry the hell up, I don't want that creep to see us," your girlfriend yelled quietly. "Well, I would already be outside if this window was bigger." You groaned as you tried to push your hips from the window.

"God, Y/N, you look stupid." Eun-Ju laughed as she took a puff from her cigarette. You groaned in humiliation and yelled at your girlfriend to help you.

Eun-Ji put her purse down on the ground and made her way over to you. She pulled on your arms. "Ow, babe, that hurts," you whined.

Eun-Ju took out her phone and quickly started to take pictures of you, which you caught her immediately.

"Eun-Ju, i swear if you don't delete those pictures by the time I'm out of this window, I'm gonna beat your ass," you threatened.  Eun-Ju brusted out laughing and continued to take pictures of you as Eun-Ji tried to pull you out.

"I swear when I get out, I'm gonna kill you." You yelled. Eun-Ju continued to laugh and just kept on taking pictures.

"Okay, Y/N, I'm gonna pull you out on 3" Eun-Ji said. You nodded your head, then started to count to 3. "1.....2.....3-" Eun-Ji quickly pulls you out of the window, making you fall on the ground harshly.

"Damn it," you groaned as you stood up.

"Come in Y/N hurry up," Eun-Ji begged. You rolled your eyes, then quickly got up and ran to Eun-Ji car with Eun-Ji and Eun-Ju following quickly behind you.

While you were doing your getaway, Mr. Min was sitting at the table looking at his phone. He shook his head in disappointment and let out a small sigh.

" Y/N, if you're gonna try to and leave me, then at least have a better plan," Mr. Min laughed to himself. He stood up and then walked to his car while still looking at his phone. He got in his car and then started to drive to the location you were heading to.

"Y/N, what if your mentors find us?" Eun-Ji asked with a worried tone. You rolled your eyes and continued to look in Jada's window. "Y/N, I know you heard me," Eun-Ji cried as she pushed your shoulder slightly. 

"Eun-Ji, chill the hell out," you groaned. "That creep isn't going to find us, so why the hell are you freaking out?" You questioned her.

"I'm freaking out because if that guy sees us, then he is gonna tell his people about me and Eun-Ju, and I don't want to deal with that." Eun-Ji argued. Eun-Ju hummed in agreement, which made you even more mad than before.

"Look, if you don't want to so this, then leave, I don't have time for this," you tell them. Eun-Ji and Eun-Ju both look at each other , and both stand up.

"Fine Y/N, but don't blame me when you get caught," Eun-Ji said. You looked at her in the conner of your eye, then continued to look at Jada's window.

Eun-Ji let out a sigh, then bent down, giving you a kiss on the cheek. She mumbled a "I love you" before walking away.  You didn't say anything and waited for Eun-Ju car to drive away.

"Can't believe I gota do this myself," you mumbled to yourself as you stood up and walked to Jadas front door. You took a deep breath in and out the brung your hand up to knock on the door.

But before you could even knock on the door, someone gripped onto your shoulder tightly.

You quickly turned around to punch the random person, but they quickly caught your hand.

"Y/N, I thought you were in the bathroom. Why are you at Jadas' house?" Mr. Min asked. You furrowed your eyebrows and tried to pull your hand out from his grip, but Mr. Min continued to hold on to you.

"Let go of me," you groaned. Mr. Min smiled a bit and then dragged you to his car. You tried to stop Mr.Min but he was too strong. Mr.Min through you into his car and quickly got in and drove away before you could even get out of the car.

"You fucking creep," you yelled while trying to kick the car door open.

"Four," Mr. Min said.

"What?" You asked, but Mr. Min said nothing. He stepped on the gas pedal, speeding up the car.

When the car stopped, Mr. Min got out of the car and dragged you in the house by your arm. He busted through the front door, catching the attention of both your parents.

"Oh Y/N, where have you been?" Your mother cried. She stood up and ran over to you and hugged you tightly.  "When Mr. Min said you disappeared, I thought you ran away," She cried on your shoulder.

"Ugh, get off of me," you demanded as you pushed the woman off of you.

"Mrs.Nell I found Y/N sneaking off to Jada's house," Mr. Min calmly said. "And as her mentor, we have punishment and worksheets that we have to give her," Mr. Min explained to your mother.

Your father stood up from his spot and walked over to the three of you. "What type of punishments are you going to give her?" your father questioned. 

Mr. Min laughed a little bit, "Don't worry Mr.Nell, I will just talk to Y/N about the rules, make her do some papers, and I will have to give Y/N her first mark" Mr.Min said.

Your father opened his mouth to say  Mr.Min quickly shut him up by telling him that he and his wife would have to leave the house for a while.

"Why" your mother asked.

"Well Mrs.Nell, it seems that you and your husband are very loving to Y/N and us mentors can't have you around when we have to give them their punishments because their partners think that the punishments are too harsh and make us stop" Mr.Min explained with a small smile on his face.

"Well, what if the punishments are too harsh?" your mother said.  "I don't want you hurting my girl," your mother tells Mr. Minn.

"Mrs.Nell, I promise that I won't hurt Y/N, My job is to protect your child and help her become a good person."Mr. Min says. Your father smiles a bit, then nods his head slightly as he grabs his wife's hands.

"Come on, sweetie, we should listen to him," your father said.

Mr. Min said, "Don't you want the best for Y/N?" Mr. Min asked.

Your mother stared at you, then back at Mr. Min and slightly nodded her head.  "O-Okay," your mother mumbled. You stood there and watched as your father and mother quickly walked out of the house.

Mr. Min stood there for a second, then walked over to the front door and locked it.

"Can you just give me the papers so I can get this over with?" You whined. Mr. Min turned around and looked at you with a sinister look.

"You're right. Let's get this over with," Mr. Min grinned.

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