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You sat at the dinner table with your mom and dad sittting across from you with your mentor sitting besides you. Honestly you didn't even know what they were talking about nor did you even care. The only thing that was on mind was school.

You couldn't go back to school until next month since the school was making some rules that you needed to follow.

"Y/N do you understand" Mr.Min asked while looking at you.

You blinked your eyes then looked at Mr.Min. "Huh what were we talking about" You asked makung both your parents roll their eyes.

"Well Y/N I was telling your parents that I made a deal with the principle and he said that he would let you back into the school early but you have to stay in one class for month until Jada moves schools" Mr.Min explained.

As you were processing the words your mother started to speak. "And Y/N Mr.Min will be with you 24/7" Your mother smiled.

You looked at her then got up and walked upstairs to your bedroom.

"Dont worry Mr and Mrs.Nell, I'm pretty sure Y/N is just happy that she gets to go back to school and see her friends" Mr.Min said before he walked upstairs and made his way to your bedroom. 

"Uh Y/N can I come in" Mr.Min asked as he knocked on the door. He stood there for a minute waiting for you to open the door but when he was met with silence he just opened the door.

He saw you laying down on the bed as you were just typing away on your phone. Before Mr.Min could take a step closer you asked him why he was in your room making him smile.

"Well Y/N since you have nothing planned to do today I was thinking we could go out somewhere fun and get to know each other" Mr.Min grinned.

You rolled your eyes then continue to text your friend. "Sorry but I actions have plans" You said making Mr.Mins smiles drop a bit.

"Well who are you hanging out with" He asked with a soft tone.

"My friends and I are gonna hangout" You replied.

Mr.Min stared at you for a second then put on that creepy smile he always had before walking over to you. You looked up at him with a concern look asking hik why he was so close.

Mr.Min ignore your question then started to speak. "Y/N are you talking about Eun-Ju and Eun-Ji" He question.

You immediately stopped texting and looked up at him. You opend your mouth to say something but Mr.Min quickly cut you off.

"Sorry Y/N but as your mentor I can't allow you to hang out with thoses girls since they are part of the reason why you're a bad person" Mr.Min said with a grin.

You looked at your mentor as if he was a crazy person. "I'm not a bad person" You replied.

Mr.Min starts laugh which confuses you. "What the hell is so funny" You asked while standing up.

Mr.Min took a few steps back then put his hands in his pocket. "Y/N if you weren't a bad person then I wouldn't be here and you would be at school right now" Mr.Min hummed.

He puts both his hand on your shoulder then looks you dead your eyes. "Now Y/N please get dress so we go out" and with that Mr.Min walked out your bedroom leaving the door wide open.

"I hate my life" You mumbled under your breath before grabbing your phone and texting Eun-Ji.

While you were upstairs texting your girlfriend, Mr.Min was downstairs talking to your parents about taking you out.

"I was gonna take her to her favorite food place and just chat about things with her" Mr.Min explained to your parents, Your mother smiles a bit then let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry Mr.Min but I don't think Y/N would will go with you" She says which makes your father nod his head agreeing with her. Mr.Min hums then tilts "Now why wouldn't Y/N want to get free food" He asked.

"Well sh-" Your mother was interrupted but the sound of your footsteps coming down the creaky stairs caught her attention.

"Oh sweetie, are you going with Mr.Min" Your mother asked.

You ignored her and walked out the front door telling Mr.Min to hurry up.

Mr.Min shrugged his shoulders then say a goodbye to your parents before following after you.

"So Y/N your mother was telling me that you wouldn't want to come with me but obviously she was wrong" Mr.Min said as he watched you bite into your hamburger. You look at him then continue to eat.

"She was gonna tell me why but that'd when you came downstairs" He said "I forgot about it but now that we're here is just suddenly came into my mind" Mr.Min says.

"What's your point" You asked.

"My point is, Can you tell me what made you want to come out with me" Mr.Min questioned you.

You took a bite into your fries then saw that your phone was vibrating which caught Mr.Min attention, You picked it up and responded with a hello.

Mr.Min watched you carefully as you just talked on the phone with whoever you were talking too. It lasted only for two minutes before you said a I love you and a goodbye and then hanging up.

"So Y/N who was that" Mr.Min asked.

You rolled your eyes "You are so nosy damn" You groaned. You stood up then told Mr.Min that you were going the bathroom.

Mr.Min could just stayed silent and just watched as you walked away. He then looked at where you were sitting to see that your phone and handbag was gone.

Mr.Min wasn't dumb and he wasn't new to any of this.

He knew that you were up to something and he was gonna find out.

But he had to wait, he had to wait till you did whatever dumb little thing you were gonna do.

So Mr.Min looked at your half eaten burger and fries then grabbed them to eat.

"This is gonna be fun" Mr.Min thought to himself.

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