
713 25 3

♤ Warning's: Abuse and Blood ♤

Starr stared at her phone as another message of hers is left on delivered. Every text she sent and every call she made was never answered, everytime Starr tried to reach out to you, it was like you were ignoring her.

Starr let out a sad sigh as she placed her ohone back into her bag. She walked down the hall trying to find Eun-Ji. Starr had a feeling that Eun-Ji knew about your whereabouts and wasn't scared to confront her.

Eun-Ji already hurt her sister, Starr couldn't let her hurt you.

As Starr turned the corner she saw Eun-Ji and her sister making her heart beat fast. "Come on Starr, Y/N would do the same thing for you" Starr said to herself trying to calm herself down.

"Hey are you Eun-Ji?" Starr asked as she walked closer to the girl. The twins looked at Starr with judgmental glares then scoffed. "Yeah that's me, what do you want" Eun-Ji said while crossing her arms.

"Uh I wanted to ask if you've seen Y/N around" Starr questioned. Eun-Ji crossed her arms then looked Starr up and down. "Why the hell are you asking me, I don't know where she is" Eun-Ji hissed.

Eun-Ji clenched her fist in anger, wondering why Starr was being so damn nosey about your whereabouts.

She was your girlfriend, not Starr.

"Well if you find her tell her to call me please" Starr simply replied, ignoring the girls deadly glares. Starr gave her a small smile before walking right passed the twins. She took her phone out to see if you responded yet but let out a sigh when she saw that she was still on delivered.

"I'll try to contact her boyfriend later" Starr thought while walking to class.

You wrote your name on the color sheet as Mr. Min sat across from you with a camera in his hands. "Just because we are away from your friends doesn't mean we can't have fun" Mr. Min grinned as he shoved the camera in your face.

You put on a small smile then went back to coloring trying your best to avoid looking at the camera. "After this we should watch a movie together" Mr. Min suggested.

You nodded your head slightly, knowing that you didn't even have a choice in the first place. See after you and Mr. Min had you little fight he kept you in the room for almost a week, not giving you food nor water.

It was hell.

You've only been here for three weeks and you were already starting to give up on escaping. Every little thing you did earned you punishment.

They went from locking you up in a room for a few hours to leaving multiple cuts in your body.

He gave you rules to follow just like when the two of you met. "Remember theses Y/N, because I will only be saying this once" Mr. Min grinned.

Rule number 1# - Always obey what Mr. Min says

Rule number 2# - Be respectful to him and yourself

Rule number 3# - Be by Mr. Min 24/7, and respond to him If you're ever apart, DONT LET HIM SEARCH FOR YOU

Rule number 4# - Don't use poor language

Rule number 5# - Don't talk or speak to anyone's that isn't Mr. Min

Rule number 6# - Don't try to escape, don't look at the doors nor the windows. They will only cause you to get a punishment.

Even though you followed all these rules Mr. Min would still try and find every little thing to hurt you. "You know it's funny Y/N, you're such a bad person in everyone's else's eyes but in my eyes your just a weak little girl who falls to her knees the second someone over powers her" Mr. Min once said to you during a punishment.

You shook your head slightly trying to get rid of the degrading thoughts that were racing through your mind.

"What's wrong with you sweetie" Mr. Min softly said as he placed the camera down. You shook your head without looking at Mr. Min, "nothings wrong I'm just tired" You mumbled.

Mr. Min tilted his head then grinned "So you didn't follow your sleep schedule I gave you?" Mr. Min question as he gripped onto your shoulder tightly. He spun you around forcing you look him in the eyes then hummed, waiting for your answer.

"I did I just didn't sleep well" You quickly explained. Mr. Min stared at you for a second then shrugged his shoulders.

He gripped onto your hair tightly then pulled you on the ground harshly. "Why don't I believe you?" Mr. Min asked with a grin on his face.

You whined as you face hit the floor, you went on all fours and tried to crawl away. Mr. Min placed his foot on yourback, pushing you down on the ground.

"Come on Y/N, don't lie to me" Mr. Min spoke "Just tell me the truth, you didn't go to sleep on time and that's that's real reason you're tired" He instead.

You let out a pained cry as you heard Mr. Min take his belt off. "Y/N it's like you can't follow simple rules, so I better not see any tears when I'm done with you" He ordered.

You let out a loud cry as Mr. Min brung down the hard leather onto your skin. You tried to crawl away but failed miserably as Mr. Min continued to force you on the ground with his foot.

He kept hitting you over and over, ignoring the purple bruises that were forming on your skin.

"You wanna be bad so much but when the consequences come you wanna act so innocent" Mr. Min taunted.

Mr. Min threw the belt down then kicked you in the face. He watched as blood came from your mouth and covered the floor.

This went on for an hour before Mr. Min decided that you had enough. He picked you with then held you in his arms tightly as he made his way towards your bedroom.

"It's time to go to sleep Y/N" Mr. Min says as places you on the bed. You glanced at Mr. Min to see that he had a huge smile on his face, you knew he was enjoying this.

He was enjoying making you weak.

"Go to sleep this time Y/N, I wouldn't want to have to give you another punishment" He says as he placed a kiss on your cheek.

A/N: Don't be surprised if this book gets deleted 🙏🏿

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