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Park Jimin - Age: 26, Human, working as a Vet

Jeon Jungkook - Age: 24, Human, working as a lawyer

Min Yoongi - Age: 28/29, a cat hybrid, homeless

[!] warning: this is a three-way relationship, so if you think that would make you feel uncomfortable, then don't read the story.

Bottom Suga is not really common, but it's my guilty pleasure xD

"Oh, Jimin-ah! You were still here??"

Jimin looked up from his phone and smiled brightly at the woman, which was at the front desk.

"Yes, I had some things to take care of. What about you, Noona? Why are you still here?"

The lady at the reception was in her early 50s, so she could totally pass for an 'ahjumma', but Jimin was used to calling her Noona, the woman always smiled whenever he greeted her like that, so it became a habit.

"Someone has to close down this place! And that lucky person happens to be me!"

Jimin could feel that the receptionist's words were laced with sarcasm. It was already 6pm, it was Winter, there was snow, it was freaking cold and the poor woman lived far away. She had to catch the bus and she wasn't a fan of wearing super thick and warm clothes, so she was probably going to freeze to death.

"Um... I can lock up the clinic today. If you want to?"

Jimin didn't sound very confident when he offered that. Mrs. Yang was a perfectionist and even though it was obvious that she was very eager to go home, Jimin wasn't sure she would easily agree.  It was just a suggestion, but the woman's eyes instantly lit up upon hearing it.

"Oh my, Jiminnie! Really??"

"Yeah, it's no problem really. I'm not in a hurry and the two of us are the only ones left here. Dr. Song left about half an hour ago and everybody else left at around 5pm."

Jimin had barely finished his sentence when he saw how the woman quickly got up from her chair, turned off her laptop and put on her coat in a hurry.

"You're a life-savior, Jimin-ah! I will treat you a coffee tomorrow!" Mrs. Yang chirped, as she patted the boy's shoulder, who simply smiled in response.

"It's okay, Noona. You don't have to-"

There was suddenly a finger, placed on his lips to shut him up.

"I'll add a muffin as well! I know how much you love sweets! See you tomorrow, my Angel!"

Jimin laughed when the woman referred to him as an angel and waved his hand as a goodbye. He looked at the desk and saw the keys, which he had to use. He grabbed them and headed towards the front door. He has locked up the clinic a few times before, so it really wasn't a big deal, but a warm coffee and something sweet sounded really good, so he was gladly going to accept them.

Jimin loved working at the clinic, it's been over two years since he joined the team. He was the youngest doctor there, but the others treated him as an equal, with respect and helping animals has always made him happy. It was his dream job, really.

He walked outside, his body slightly shivering because of the cold air, but he was going to be home soon, so it was okay. He locked the door and headed towards his car, which he had parked in a near-by alley. He preferred taking the bus, especially when the weather wasn't good, because he didn't feel like driving on icy streets, but using his car meant he would get home much faster and he preferred driving in poor weather instead of waiting for the bus.

"I requite love"(jikook)/sugaWhere stories live. Discover now