I requite love

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Yoongi's day started in a completely ordinary way: Jimin woke him up (a bit too early for his liking), Jungkook made breakfast, the three of them ate together and then the youngest had to leave, because he had a trial to attend today.

The vet lingered for a bit longer, because his first appointment for the day was at 10 am., but eventually he also left the apartment.

The hybrid was already dressed and ready to depart for work as well, but then... it happened.

To say that the black-haired male was surprised would be an understatement. Yoongi was really taken aback, not because of the fact that he was currently in heat, but by the fact that his usual symptoms were not present.

Usually, it started with his mood. He got all cranky and snappy, then came the pain in his body, he started finding food repulsing and he just wanted to lie down.

He always had some time to prepare, but now it was different. The hybrid just felt supper dizzy all of a sudden and he began feeling really hot, he felt like his blood was boiling up.

It was a terrible, terrible feeling.

That's why his legs gave in and he's pretty sure that he even blacked out for a few seconds, but eventually he found the strength to get up and went to his room, as he supported himself on the walls, because even walking was a struggle.

He took off his clothes in a hurry and lay in bed completely naked, but he still felt hot. He couldn't even breathe properly and he barely managed to send Jimin a text, which simply stated:

'Come back home.'

It was a call for help and the hybrid was certain that the human would get the message, he couldn't risk texting Jungkook, because what if the brat ditched his client and ran back to the apartment?

The boy was a professional and he valued the people whom he represented at the court, but if he knew that Yoongi was in pain, he was definitely going to rush back home.

The minutes felt like hours and the aching in the hybrid's body worsened by each passing second.

Thankfully, Jimin did not have any surgeries planned for the day, just check-ups, so when he received the text from Yoongi, he knew exactly what he had to do. He told Mrs. Yang to cancel all of his appointments , he was personally going to apologize to everyone in person, once the appointments were re-scheduled, but right now his main and only priority was the hybrid and he couldn't think about anything else.

Amidst everything, Jimin called Taehyung to inform him that Yoongi wasn't feeling well and that he would have to skip work today.

When the vet got home, he instantly made his way towards the hybrid's room and when he walked in, he panicked and literally froze at the door frame.

Yoongi was curled up in a ball and he looked so tiny on the bed, he was whining in pain and Jimin's heart broke in half. Why did the older have to go through something like that?

The vet's initial plan was to give Yoongi a pill, even a few if there was a need, but to his surprise, the hybrid refused to take the medicine.

Yoongi had his reasons for that. He truly despised his heats, all the pain and the constant need to be filled up, touched, but above that, he hated how his heat made him feel even more.

Whenever, he slept with Jungmin during his heats, it was the necessary evil, which eventually helped him, but it still made him feel dirty, filthy and as his previous owner had said he was like a whore, which begged to be fucked.

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