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"Is this part of your treatment?"

Yoongi asked, as Jimin carefully let him on the bed and for a second the vet looked mildly confused, but then he smiled.

"I thought you had forgotten all about that, Hyung."

Jimin replied in a whiny voice and kissed the hybrid's cheek. Yoongi tried his best not to melt at the action.

"W-Well, I did let you play with my ears and you gave me a suffocating hug when you came back, so-"

"I said I want to kiss you all over."

Jimin said, as he licked his lips and eyed the older. Yoongi wanted to look away, he really wanted to, but there was something about Jimin looking at him like this... and the hybrid just didn't dare to break the eye contact.

"I- I kissed you all over instead, isn't that even better?? Are you cured now??"

Jimin chuckled with the bubbly, angelic voice of his and Yoongi was about to grin, because just hearing the vet let out a short laugh was enough to make him smile like crazy, but then Jimin rubbed his erection against Yoongi's left leg and the hybrid fought the urge to moan at the feeling.

"What do you think, Hyung? I think that instead of curing me, you're making things much worse. I don't think I'll ever recover. You're just too much for my weak heart."

Yoongi wanted to protest, to say that Jimin was doing much more damage to him, but his words died down in his throat when the vet repeated the motion and once again rubbed his hard-on against the older's leg.

Jimin was already situated between the hybrid's legs, but Yoongi still spread them a little further, to allow the younger to move more freely and the vet latched his lips onto the black-haired male's neck.

This time Yoongi couldn't help the little sighs, which left his lips and he almost jumped up when the vet slipped his hands under his long-sleeved shirt and hitched it up all the way up to the hybrid's chin. Yoongi felt very exposed, especially with the way Jimin was staring at him, at his chest, at his face, as if he was seeing a bit of the older's bare skin for the first time.

"Hyung- you're just... so... gosh... you're so pretty, Hyung."

Yoongi's cheeks tinted up, he really didn't know how and why the younger could refer to him like that, when in Yoongi's eyes he was super ordinary, he had a cute face, kinda, he'll admit that and the cat ears and tail added up to the look, but still... Yoongi has never thought that he was pretty or beautiful or anything like that, but after the constant compliments of his two humans, the hybrid was starting to believe that maybe he didn't look that bad after all.

"What are you saying, Jimin..." Yoongi mumbled, as he reached out and grabbed the vet's shirt to pull him closer. "Forget all about me, just look at yourself. Have you seen how you look? Because damn it-"

Yoongi was surprised when the younger smashed his lips against his with force. Jimin had never kissed him like that before, so desperately, so, hungrily, so hot, lips opening and moving in synch, tongues battling together, breaths mingling together. It was different, but the hybrid definitely liked it.

"Hyung... the things you're doing to me right now..."

Jimin huskily said when they parted and Yoongi wanted to counterattack and say - No, the things you are doing to me, Park Jimin - but he once again couldn't say a thing, as the younger trasingly brushed one of his fingers over the hybrid's right nipple.

"These are so cute and tiny... like you, Hyung and pink like your lips. I just wanna-"

Wow, cute and tiny.

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