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[!] there is a slightly triggering scene in the chapter, but nothing too explicit.

"Dude, seriously... what's wrong with you?? Why do your girlfriends keep dumping you??"

Jungmin faked a smile and just stared at his glass.

He needed a drink, after... he got dumped again. Every time it happened, he just felt worse and worse. It's not like he was madly in love, it's not like he imagined spending the rest of his life with that particular girl, but he did like them, each one of them. He harbored feelings for them and the worst part of the break up was that there was never really a reason, an explanation, they just left, always.

He knew he wasn't the perfect boyfriend, but he didn't think he was a bad one either. He dedicated a lot of his time to his job, but he was trying to build up a career, he wanted to make a name for himself, to be known, recognized for his potential.

But he really wanted to have someone by his side, someone who would stay, someone who wouldn't throw him away at the first opportunity or difficulty in their relationship. He wanted to settle down already, maybe even to have a child, just to make his parents happy.

But no matter how hard he tried, it just didn't work out and he wanted his friends to cheer him up, not to rub salt into the wounds.

"Maybe the problem are the girls. Chicks nowadays can be quite crazy."

Another of his friends said and Jungmin didn't know what to say to that, there were indeed some rather strange girls, but the same thing could be said about some guys.

"It doesn't matter who's at fault. Jungmin, how about you just try something different?"

Jungmin raised an eyebrow, the words picked up his interest. Different? He's already tried his best, many, many times, so what-?

"How about you just buy a hybrid?"

Jungmin was glad that he wasn't currently drinking, because he was definitely going to choke.

"W-what? What are you talking about, man?? A hybrid?? Why in the world would I need that?"

The brunette raised his hands in defense and smiled, as if he just hadn't suggested the most ridiculous thing ever.

"Just think about it... if you buy a hybrid, you own it. It's yours, so... it can't go anywhere without your permission, it can't leave. Sure, you'll spend some money, but in your case... it's a win-win situation if you ask me."

Jungmin just gulped down the rest of the soju in his glass and regretted even going out with his friends.

This was absurd. The idea to buy a hybrid. Totally nuts and yet... Jungmin couldn't stop thinking about it.

He went to a special shop about hybrids a few days ago, but most were rather young and he certainly didn't have the nerves to deal with a baby or a teenager, so he asked the employees if there were older hybrids and they advised him to check out Daegu's center.

Maybe Jungmin should've left things at that, but he didn't, so here he was now, at the center, browsing through some hybrids' files. He didn't pay much attention to the details, just their names, age and the main reason as to why they were back in the center at that age.

There were some cute ones, like that girl dog hybrid named Eunji or the cat one called Dain, but somehow nobody managed to grab him. He was about to give up, but when he turned to the next page, he just stared at the photo of the hybrid there.

Black hair, fluffy ears, pink lips, porcelain skin, a frown on his face, oh... a pretty, pretty face.

Name: Min Yoongi
Age: 21
Hybrid Kind: Cat
Type: Extremely rare

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