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When Jimin saw Yoongi, playing with the kittens, he was reminded of something really important. The first thing Dr. Kim did when he brought the baby cats to the clinic was to vaccinate them.

Of course... how could Jimin be so stupid? As a vet, animals' safety and well-being was his top priority, but he got so caught up in other things, his mind was directed in a completely different direction - getting to know the hybrid better, making him feel comfortable around him and Jungkook, buying him clothes, listening to stories from his past, just spending time with the black-haired male.

Yoongi looked completely healthy, but he had been homeless for over a year and that was already quite worrisome. So he asked his favorite senior a few questions – Mrs. Lim, a woman with over 30 years of experience and although she said she didn't know much about hybrids, she told Jimin that they, just like other animals, had to get a vaccine every 6 months.

And that's how Jimin found himself at a pharmacy, at the end of his work day. He considered bringing Yoongi to a vet who specialized in care of hybrids as well, but he believed that the black-haired male would be more comfortable if Jimin was the one who vaccinated him, not some stranger.

The pharmacist, a girl who looked even younger than Jungkook, looked back and forth from the paper which Jimin had given her, to his face.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, starting to feel slightly uncomfortable under her gaze.

"Oh, no. It's just..." The girl gave Jimin a once over and the boy was this close to just walking out of the pharmacy and going to another place. "This is a very strong medicine. It's not for humans and-"

"Yes, I know. It's for my hybrid."

The girl looked even more bewildered now and Jimin saw the hesitance in her eyes, it definitely looked like she was not going to give him the small bottle containing the vaccine and he realized that his approach had been wrong all along. So he pulled out his wallet and he handed over his card to the pharmacist.

"You're a vet?"

"Yeah. Maybe I should've started with that?" Jimin awkwardly scratched his nape, but a small smile graced his lips, because the girl seemed more relaxed now. "I'd like to vaccinate my hybrid myself, is that... a problem?"

"No, no!" The pharmacist shook her head and got up from her chair, ready to get the bottle, which Jimin needed. "It's just unusual. We rarely sell any of this medicine, unless it's a bulk order made by a company or a clinic where hybrids are treated."

"Well... I'm glad to be the first one then."

When Jimin got home and told the hybrid that he had something for him, the black-haired male looked excited, but as soon as Jimin pulled the vaccine and the syringe from the plastic bag he was carrying, Yoongi's face instantly fell and he stepped back, something akin to horror filling his eyes.

Jimin certainly did not expect such an outrageous reaction, because the hybrid didn't even let him open his mouth and just tried his best to stay at a safe distance away from the vet. Jimin had never thought that he would actually have to chase Yoongi around the apartment, while the hybrid cursed under his breath and told him to stay away, the older's behavior really caught him off-guard.

Sure... kids always made a fuss when they had to go for a vaccination, but Min Yoongi? A man who was already close to his 30s... Jimin really didn't know what the hybrid was so afraid of.

And in the middle of that chase, Jungkook got home.

The boy no longer looked perplexed as he had just listened to Jimin's story and just now noticed the syringe and the bottle, which his boyfriend was holding.

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