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"I'm sorry, Oppa. I just... don't love you anymore."

Hoseok wasn't expecting to hear that. He was sure that nobody was ready to hear such a confession from the person they loved.

It was all too sudden, out of nowhere.

Like every other couple, Hoseok and Soobin had fights from time to time, it was never anything serious though and Hoseok was even ready to dedicate his whole life to the girl in front of him, a girl that now... looked like a total stranger.

Soobin was toying with the table cloth and she wasn't looking at Hoseok, she was probably feeling guilty and she was supposed to, after all... she had just shattered her boyfriend's heart into small pieces.

There were tears in her eyes when she uttered the faithful words that changed Hoseok's life forever and he did nothing but stare at her. He tried to re-call something, which he had missed. Had something in her behavior changed in the past few weeks? Had she started treating him differently?

He really couldn't remember a thing, everything had been just fine between them, so how could she say that?

It was terrible... the way some people mastered the skill of deceiving and lied to you for days, for weeks, because Hoseok was certain that Soobin didn't just wake up this morning with the decision to break up with him.

No, things must have started long ago. Maybe even months ago and he was too foolish or maybe simply too in love to notice that something was going on and now he just couldn't comprehend the truth.

'You kiss me, you let me hold you in my arms, day and night, you say how much I mean to you, you paint a beautiful future for the two of us, you let me dream, hope and then... you just... don't love me anymore?'

Hoseok wanted to say at least that, to seek some sort of explanation from the girl in front of him. They were currently having breakfast at Hoseok's apartment or their place as Soobin would often call it, because honestly... half of the apartment was filled with her belongings, but Hoseok didn't trust his voice.

He was afraid of how broken he might sound if he tried to speak, because he felt broken without a doubt, so he opted for just looking at Soobin in attempt to read her, to understand what had caused her decision and just then the girl slightly lifted up her head and looked at him and oh, that's all Hoseok needed.

He could see it in her eyes... the reason, which he had been neglecting for so long and he truly felt like a fool.

He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, only to open them again seconds later and to find himself examining his surroundings. Almost everything in the kitchen reminded him of Soobin, in the bedroom as well, the whole apartment was full of memories, their memories and Hoseok was going to be haunted by those memories for a long time, because from tomorrow on, he knew that he would return to an empty home.

A home robbed of the only thing, which made him look forward to tomorrow.

He didn't want to ask and he didn't want to hear the answer either, because he already knew what the girl would reply.

And yet, humans were stupid creatures and Hoseok was the type of person, which preferred confirming his suspicion even if it would bring him nothing but pain, instead of speculating and wondering.

So he took in a breath and asked, he hated how shaky his voice sounded.

"Is... is there s-someone else?"

The girl looked startled by the question and deep down, Hoseok prayed that she would lie to him, that another sweet lie would leave her lips, but sadly, luck wasn't on Hoseok's side.

"I requite love"(jikook)/sugaWhere stories live. Discover now