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In the morning, Yoongi found himself in the kitchen. His legs just guided him. He usually had a trouble waking up, but he finally spend the night on a comfortable bed and slept rather soundly and when he opened his eyes in the morning, the scent of freshly prepared food invaded his nostrils and he quickly got up.

He followed the source of the delicious aroma and seconds later, he was already in the kitchen. Jimin was there, his back turned to Yoongi and he was humming a song, while pouring some juice into a glass.

The tune was nice, relaxing, Jimin had a beautiful voice and even though the human was just mumbling under his breath, Yoongi heard him loud and clear, thanks to his sharp hearing.

But he just stood at the door of the kitchen, unmoving, simply following Jimin with his eyes. It felt nice to wake up in the presence of another person, in a warm home, in his own bed. Not under some bridge, or a bench in a park, or near the trash where he sadly had to sleep many times.

So Yoongi just stared, not daring to say anything, because he was afraid that all of this was just a dream, that if he opened his mouth, the beautiful dream would be shattered to pieces, Jimin would disappear and he would find himself on the street.

But just then, the human boy turned around and smiled brightly upon seeing him. Yoongi couldn't help mentally noting that a smiling Jimin shone as bright as the sun, if not more.

"Good morning, Hyung!"

Jimin greeted as he set two glasses filled with juice on the table and motioned for Yoongi to sit down.

Yoongi wasn't used to this – someone greeting him in the morning, smiling at him, looking at him with warm eyes. He was used to receiving a cold, piercing gaze, harsh words and-


The hybrid snapped out of his trance and looked at the human, who had settled down on one of the chairs.

"Come on, I'm hungry. Sit down, so we can eat!"

Yoongi slowly strode towards the table and sat across of Jimin, who sighed in relief and grabbed a sandwich right away, stuffing his mouth with it.

"I- dithj-" Jimin paused for a few seconds, so he could gulp down the food in his mouth and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I'm always like this when I'm hungry. Anyway, I didn't know what you would like so I prepared a few types of sandwiches, there are fruits and orange juice, but if you don't like it, there's also a bottle of-"

"You waited for me?" Yoongi interrupted then, making Jimin stop with his rant, the hybrid had eyes, he could see that there was a lot of food on the table and he was so hungry that he could probably eat everything and get a stomachache later, but right now, he couldn't even touch the food.

"Of course. How could I start eating without you?"

Jimin replied with a smile and Yoongi wondered if the other's mouth hurt from smiling so much.

"Nobody..." The hybrid started speaking and Jimin put the sandwich down. "Nobody has done this for me before... I always ate alone. Not that I minded though..."

The last part came out as a mere whisper, but Jimin heard it nevertheless and his heart ached when he heard that. Jimin always ate his meals in the presence of other people – his family, his friends and now Jungkook. So of course, he didn't think twice and waited for the hybrid to wake up and come to the kitchen. Jimin was always hungry whenever he woke up, but he still decided to wait for Yoongi, so they could have their first breakfast together.

"Oh, Hyung... no worries! We're going to change that! We're going to eat together as much as we can, okay? Now, dig in!"

Yoongi could feel that he and Jimin were on two different poles – the human was the definition of optimism, while Yoongi always expected the worst, say hello to Mr. Pessimism, but somehow a small smile appeared on his lips, expectations for future shared meals rising up.

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