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"I kissed Yoongi-hyung... on the cheek."


Jimin rarely managed to surprise Taehyung with something, simply because his best friend knew him like the back of his hand, but Taehyung's currently big eyes and agape mouth clearly showed that he was taken aback.

Jimin ended work earlier than usual today, because in the afternoon he assisted Dr. Song during a surgery and he didn't have any appointments after that, so he finally found some time to visit his friend's studio and agreed to model for him. It wasn't the first time anyway. Jimin was one of Taehyung's models for his final graduation project along with a girl, whom Taehyung randomly met on campus and scouted her. The second Taehyung saw Hayeon, he yelled 'She fits my concept so well!!!', startling everyone around him. The poor girl had no idea what she was getting herself into, when she agreed to help, because Taehyung was a perfectionist, he wanted his final work to be top-notch and thus he made Jimin and Hayeon model for him for hours and hours, sometimes he even made them pose without moving, because he wanted to sketch them. It took ages to choose the right fabrics as well, the colors and Taehyung ended up changing his designs a few times until he was satisfied.

And as Jimin had predicted, the modeling thing wasn't going to be done after just one visit. Taehyung was currently taking his measurements and he even took a few pictures of Jimin before that. Taehyung said that Jimin needed to come at least two more times for a fitting, to walk around and say if something felt off. Taehyung never just made clothes, he made them for people and before releasing something on the market, he always made sure that those who would wear his clothes would not feel uncomfortable in any way.

Taehyung had an attitude and Jimin believed that would lead his best friend to success and to the big scene one day. Taehyung was slowly headed there, Jimin knew it was just a matter of time before the other made it big.

"Why did you kiss him?"

Taehyung asked and Jimin realized that he had just been staring at his friend, who was waiting for him to say something.

"I don't know... I just... really wanted to. He's so cute Tae, especially when he smiles. His tail is just gorgeous and his ears... fluffiest things on Earth! I love touching them and he actually purrs when I do it, but then he gets super embarrassed and he can't even look at me, but he still doesn't brush my hand away. He always welcomes me home so warmly and remember how I told you that he hates sharing his food?? Well, he doesn't have that problem anymore and he shares his food with me and Jungkook and that just does things to my heart. I'm really glad that I took him home, Tae and... I'm really happy that he decided to stay with me and Jungkook."

For a few seconds, Taehyung really didn't know what to say. Jimin loved animals with all his heart, Taehyung knew that better than anyone else, because he felt the same towards all those creatures, which his best friend took care of, but there was something different in Jimin's eyes while he spoke about his hybrid, in his voice and even in his body language. If Taehyung didn't know any better, he would say that Jimin sounded and looked... in love.

"Well... as long as you did it only once, I guess it's not that weird."

Taehyung decided to say in the end, because maybe he was overanalyzing things and he didn't want to say something odd, even though lots of comments and questions were circling around in his head.

"Um... it wasn't only once though. I did it for the first time when Hyung came over for a visit at the clinic and this morning as well when he woke up. He looked so sleepy and adorable that I couldn't help it."

Jimin actually dared to look proud of what he had done and Taehyung simply couldn't keep the questions to himself any longer.

"Sorry, but... first of all – where in the world did you sleep last night??"

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