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"Park Jimin, what in the world did you do?"

"I... took some pictures."

Jimin admitted and Yoongi gave him a dumbfounded look, because seriously... what the hell?

"Pictures..." The hybrid repeated and then rubbed his temples. "I'm getting a headache from this. For a second, I really thought that you had done something illegal, but what? Be thankful that there's a table between us, I would've already smacked you otherwise."

"Hyung, you don't get it. It's true that all I did was to take a few pictures, but... what's in the photos... it's classified and it's illegal, I-"

"If this is not about an alien invasion or another World War, I'm not really interested."

Yoongi interrupted the younger and shook his head in disbelief, he should just eat his breakfast. If Jimin and Jungkook wanted to fuck like some wild animals, they should've come up with a better excuse than this.

"Hyung, it's about you."

Jimin said and Yoongi grabbed a sandwich from the plate in the middle of the table, yep, he had totally lost interest and had no intention to listen to some lame lies.

"The information I took photos of... it's about male hybrids with heats."

The black-haired male had just widely opened his mouth with the might to shove some much needed food in his mouth, but his hand froze midway and he just stared at the vet with parted lips.

"Wha... what... what?"

This was not funny anymore, the hybrid was definitely going to choke if he dared to take even a single bite from the sandwich, so he placed it back where he took it from and he noticed that his hand was trembling. He hid it under the table and covered it with his other hand, hoping that the shaking would stop.

Yoongi grew up, while thinking that he was a freak, that he was abnormal, that there was something wrong with him. He wished he could be like the others, he wished to be normal, he had no idea why he was born like this...

And apart from all the questions he had about why exactly he had heats, there was something else, which was also troubling - when there were sometimes break between his heats. Something like this was happening now as well. His last heat was at the end of March, when Jungkook helped him while Jimin was away, but now... it was already May, it's been more than a month and nothing. As always, the hybrid was grateful for not having to deal with something as painful and maddening as a heat, but those unexpected breaks lead to new questions.

"I was out with a friend yesterday. We used to study together actually. He's a vet as well, but after graduating, he decided to take a special course and afterwards he began working with hybrids. I had almost forgotten about it, but in the middle of our talk, he started talking about his job and he currently had a task, which was to deal with some documents and he... mentioned that it was about male hybrids who have heats and when he went to the restroom... I just couldn't resist - the files were right there, on the table, in front of me, all I had to do was reach out, but of course, I couldn't take anything, so I took a few quick shots. Some might even be blurry, because I was in a hurry..."

Jimin didn't know how the older would react, he thought that Yoongi might get angry or sad, he even expected an outburst or the black-haired male's runaway, but the hybrid just kept quiet, there was no reaction at all.

"Hyung?" Jimin called out, because he was really starting to get worried.

"I don't know how to feel..." Yoongi mumbled and Jimin's heart skipped a beat in anxiety. "I'm torn between wanting to kiss you senseless and smacking you for real."

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