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♫ My dream was to breathe in the outside air.

Some dream of escaping, some choose to stay and obey.

Maybe they're all just trying their best in the worst situation.

It's perfect to say this is the worst... ♫

Yoongi was excited. No, he was actually extremely thrilled.

It was his first time roaming around the streets with someone by his side.

It was definitely much different than from the time when he was homeless. He wasn't alone at the moment and people weren't giving him weird looks. Although Yoongi really wanted to go out, he did not want to embarrass Jungkook and Jimin in any way and he refused to leave the apartment before he got properly disguised. The two boys caught on rather quickly though, because Yoongi demanded for a hat or just anything that could hide his ears and he wanted a long coat, so his tail wouldn't be visible.

A hybrid, walking around the streets with other humans... it was a rare sight, almost non-existent, but even though it was March, the weather these days was rather warm, thus there was no need for a hat or a super long coat or thick jacket, so both Jungkook and Jimin gave the hybrid a skeptical look when they heard his requirements.

Yoongi just huffed and refused to budge, he was dead serious about this, so in the end he ended up with a long, black coat, which belonged to Jungkook and a dark blue beanie from Jimin. The hybrid was satisfied, his cover was perfect, you could really mistake him for a human.

But once they stepped out, Yoongi kind of started regretting his decision, because really... it was still the middle of the day and that damn sun had decided to shine at its finest today. Yoongi hated feeling cold, he barely survived this Winter and had to actually huddle up with other street animals (mostly cats, they seemed to like him which was a given since he was partly one of them as well), but he hated feeling hot much more and they've been out for only like 10 minutes? He was already sweating.

There were so many people, laughing, chatting with each other, sitting on benches or jogging, eating in restaurants or fast-food places. Yoongi blamed it all on the weather and the fact that it was Saturday. He wasn't a fan of crowed places, but he actually enjoyed it this time.

However, as they walked around, they reached a district filled with street food and okay... Yoongi was still full from the pancakes, which Jungkook had made for him, but everything smelled so good. You know those moments when you're definitely not hungry, but there's food everywhere around you and you just start craving for some?

Yoongi was surely experiencing that right now. But they were already out to buy him clothes, Jimin and Jungkook were going to spend money on him and even though he wanted nothing more than to stop and get at least a bite from everything he could set his eyes on, he just continued walking until he bumped into Jungkook's back.

"Ouh! Yah, why did you just stop walking??" Yoongi scowled and rubbed his nose, he had actually bumped into the other's back rather harshly. The hybrid was probably the one at fault, because he was daydreaming, but still... it was always easier to blame it on someone else.

"We're waiting for Jimin-hyung. He's over there." Jungkook said, as he pointed in the direction on their left and Yoongi saw that Jimin was at one of the stalls. "He's buying some Dakkkochi and Eomuk, because someone here has been swallowing thickly for the past five minutes."

Yoongi did not miss how Jungkook emphasized on the word 'someone', it was obvious whom he was referring to. Was Yoongi being that obvious? He really tried his best not to stare too much at the mouthwatering foods that were scattered all around him, but it seems like he wasn't doing a good job after all.

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