Puppy 3

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Taehyung both loved and hated working on his projects. There was truly nothing better than seeing his designs come to life, nothing better than to see how his sketches slowly turned into the real thing. Making clothes was his passion, fashion was a huge part of his life and to this day he hasn't regretted his choice even for a second. But most students worked on their projects in the last moment and they could do that. However, Taehyung had to start much earlier than the end of the semester and even though his classes started rather late, unlike Jimin's, he did stay behind quite often up until late, because once he started working on something he had to finish it no matter what and if he wasn't satisfied, he started all over again.

Being a perfectionist has never been on his side and he was so, so tired. He practically dragged his feet to his and Jimin's small apartment. It was nice though, to live together. It was always so loud and chaotic at the dorms, that's why they moved in together last year. The apartment was close to the campus, the rent wasn't high and they had the sweetest landlady in the world who often brought them food. There were two small rooms, which Taehyung and Jimin used as bedrooms, a bathroom and a living room joined with the kitchen. It was cozy, it was a place to return to, it was home.

Taehyung slowly opened the front door and stepped inside, it was already past 10 pm and Jimin was probably asleep. But to his surprise, the lights were still on and he could actually hear that the TV was on too. Jimin rarely watched TV on his own, he preferred having company and that's why Taehyung concluded that someone was over. It wasn't hard to guess who exactly when he put on his slippers and his eyes fell on a very familiar pair of timberlands.

Ever since Jungkook found out that he and Jimin were not an item (Taehyung still found the thought just absurd), he had been visiting a lot more often, he had been looking at Jimin for much longer, he had even started being more touchy, he was still far from Taehyung's level, but still, it was progress.

And yet... there was no progress at all.

When Taehyung set his foot into the living room, he was about to greet the two who were sitting side by side on the couch, but stopped himself in time, because Jungkook was currently caressing Jimin's face, the boy's hand lingered on the older's skin for much longer than necessary and Taehyung knew that there was no way Jungkook would've done that if Jimin was awake.

The two were really starting to give Taehyung headaches on a daily basis. Jimin looked very joyful around Jungkook, he smiled all the time, his eyes shone whenever he spoke about the younger. Jungkook wasn't much different, he trailed behind Jimin most of the time and followed him like the lovesick puppy he was. Taehyung was still trying to get to know the other boy, but he could see that he was sincere about his love for Jimin and yet neither of them had made a move yet.

Taehyung felt the need to give the two a little push, he often told both Jimin and Jungkook to just spill everything, to let it out and be done with it. It was frustrating to watch and Taehyung didn't know what the two were so afraid of- Okay, he did know.

Jimin was scared of confessing and he was terrified of rejection, because he was a man and for him, being Jungkook's friend was better than to turn into someone who the boy would feel uncomfortable around.

Jungkook on the other hand, was fearful of letting Jimin know about his feelings, because he was... Jungkook and he was most-likely going to get rejected.

Taehyung still had no clue what that shit meant and he really didn't know what else to do for the two. Lock them up in a room and tell them that he won't let them out until they've sorted things out?

That was childish, they were not five anymore.

So for now, he decided to let them be. How long he would be able to bare watching the two steal glances and touches when the other wasn't aware, Taehyung really didn't want to find out. He hoped that the two would really figure it out on their own before his patience disappeared into thin air.

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