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|A Few Days Later|

"Your uncle is an antiques dealer right?" Fabian looks up from his book on the couch when I walked up, I figured out what those cylinder things are but there's this box thing that I don't know what it is, it has hieroglyphics on them but they're none that the internet knows so they have got to be way older.

"Um" he nods his head "yeah"

"Does he have a shop around here?" I overheard him mention his uncle who knows antiques "if so, what's it called?"

"Why?" He asks

"I need something that is old and I overheard you" shrugging my shoulders "so are you going to keep up the twenty questions or what?"

"Um...yeah" nodding his head "but it's like an hour drive away"

"Do you have his number?" I ask pulling out my phone "if so I need you to call him

"What's this about?" He asks "cause normally people wait"

I don't have the time to wait, I don't know why but something is telling me that that cup I've been dreaming about needs to be assembled soon. That I need to find the pieces now or never. But what I've seen is that Fabian seems nice enough and trust worthy enough so...I can't believe I'm doing this.

Looking around the room, no one is around so I sit down next to him pulling out one of the cylinders "On this cylinder is a clue to this treasure I'm looking for—I don't know which phonograph recorder it's for" many pictures popped up when I looked it up, the wrong one and I may damage the cylinders.

"Treasure?" He asks

Nodding my head "In this house, there are hidden objects that were once in Tutankhamun's tomb" I did research about the previous owners and apparently there were artifacts that were discovered but stolen, people believe they were hidden.

"Tutankhamun's tomb?" He asks excitedly "like the actual Tutankhamun?"

Nodding my head "I'm trying to find this cup" showing him the piece with hieroglyphics "besides the cylinder, this is the only other clue"

"Why is it?" He asks taking a look at it

"I don't know" shaking my head "all I know is that the hieroglyphics on this" tapping the thing "do not exist on the internet, but it's a clue"

He looks at me as I put the objects away "How did you find out about this?"

"The old lady I helped?" He nods his head "she's the original owners's daughter" his eyes widen "she told me that I'm the true Paragon whatever that means" I visited her again and she told me I'm the true Paragon like the riddle said "do, what do you say? Want to help?"

"Yeah!" Nodding his head "though, where did you find this?"

"The attic" I mouth, he looks at me shocked "Patricia incoming"

Patricia enters the room and sits down annoyed "So it seems your finally gracing us with your presence"

"Stop" Fabian exclaims "just because Joy can't talk to you doesn't mean you have to be such a bitch!" Joy told them that she can't talk to them until the summer, that her parents want her focusing on her new school and everything.

"Can't your dad"

"That was a one time thing" I remind her, her home phone was even changed since Patricia tried to call again "my dad has actual work and doesn't need to be worrying about small problems like yours"

"Come on" Fabian stands up "Emily, we have better things to do than head Patricia complain" did I mention that everyone in the house is mad at Patricia? Cause they are.


I leave my room since we visited his uncle and he doesn't have the recorder we are looking for, but there may be one in the attic and if not the cellar. So we're going to go looking in the attic first.

"Oh!" Fabian and I look over seeing Amber who is all dressed up in a short sea foam green dress with gold designs with gold shoes and a gold wallet purse "Are you two on a date as well?!"

"Amber?" I ask shaking my head "why are you so dressed up?"

"My plan to make Mick jealous totally worked!" She exclaims as we stare at her "now I'm heading to the laundry room where we will be going on our date!" She smiles to us "I'm glad Emily that your seeing that we aren't all bad, I really am sorry for how we let Patricia treat you when you arrived"

Nodding my head ""

She nods her head smiling even brighter "Catch you later" she leaves us and I motion for Fabian to follow, I quickly use bobby pins to open up the door before we head upstairs.

"You ready?" I ask him

He nods his head "As ready as I'll ever be" looking around the place "don't we need a torch?"

"I doubt setting fire to the place will help" I say as we look around "our objective is to find that phonograph"

"I still can't believe we're looking for something that belonged in Tutankhamun's tomb!" He exclaims, looking over at me "what will you do after you find the treasure?"

"Keep it hidden, safe" I stop to think about it "I don't know why, but the cup we are looking for can't be given to anyone else. That as the true Paragon I need to keep it safe"

"What does it mean" he asks "being a paragon? Because the word paragon can mean a lot of things"

"I think being a paragon" after thinking about it cause he's right "means I am a protector, I don't know what I'm protecting but I am" I then notice something "wait" uncovering a sheet, I find what we're looking for "found it!" Fabian comes over and helps me set it down onto the floor "fuck, it's all dusty—we may need oil"

"Why?" He asks

"It hasn't been used in a long time" reminding him "so if we use one of the cylinders now, it may sound horrible and make a noise waking Victor up"

"And we don't want that" nodding his head "so we'll come back up here tomorrow?" Nodding my head yes.

Emily (Hold)Where stories live. Discover now