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"What are you hiding?" I ask looking at the octagon piece with hieroglyphics. It has been a few days, Fabian and I are listening to the recordings and their of Sarah when she was a little girl. It's hard to hear though since we can't have it be too loud or else Victor will hear.

Hearing a snap from above, looking up I see Amber with her phone out looking down at me "What are you hiding?" Closing her phone she gives me an ultimatum "tell me or I'll go to Mr Sweet and I'll him you're doing something weird and I don't know what it is...or something"

"I tell you" putting the thing back in my bag, Amber stares at me "and you promise to keep quiet, no one can know"

"I'll take it to the grave" she promises "I never tell a secret" nodding my head out, we leave the stalls as she has her arms crossed looking at me.

"Fabian and I are looking for buried treasure that once was found in Tutankhamen's tomb" her eyes widen in shock and she becomes excited "this" showing her the piece and she takes it "is a piece of the treasure we are finding but also the next clue, we don't know what it is or what it's leading us to"

"Treasure?!" She jumps up and down "from Tutankhamen's tomb!" She stops tilting her head asking "who's Tutankhamen?"

"A king" she gets all excited again "do you want to help us?" Maybe Amber can find something out that Fabian and I have missed.

"Of course!" She takes my hands jumping up and down "we'll be our own secret club!" She stops confused looking "Oh! Also, where did you go last weekend?"

"London" after sometime, I brought Fabian to his room and told him what happened. He was shocked about it "I believe her Fabian and maybe Amber can help us figure it out in a different light"

"Maybe" he agrees "any luck on that clue?"

"No" shaking my head "any luck on how we'll be able to listen to that recording without it being so loud to wake up anyone else?"


Later that evening, as we headed upstairs we waited for Amber who saw us looking at her "Come on" waving my hand, she smiles rushing over with red heels and a necklace of garlic? "Uh? Amber?" Motioning to the heels and garlic "care to fill us in?"

"These are my lucky heels" she tells us and I motion for her to be quiet, she nods her head "right"

"So why aren't you wearing them?" Fabian asks

"I can't actually run in them" shaking her head as she smiles brightly "now, what are we waiting for?"

"What about the cloves of garlic?" I ask "this isn't 'the Vampire Diaries'"

"The Bible says" she nods her head "always be prepared"

Raising my eyebrow as Fabian shakes his head "Amber, that's the boys scouts"

She thinks about it before shaking her head "Also I had a an mp3 player that records shit, so we can record what the person is saying and listen later"

"That's amazing" we both praise Amber, she smiles brightly. I kneel down and use the pin to open the door to the attic, we walk up to the attic where Amber is holding onto me "don't worry, the scariest thing is the dust"

Emily (Hold)Where stories live. Discover now