Thirty One

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"Okay Emma" she is next to me as we go to the second floor of the Palm Woods where my cousin and his boy band live, the other kids are with Morgan and Cristina on the new movie set "now, because I couldn't take you to the concert" knocking on the door "I have a special surprise for you"

The door opens to Katie "Emily!" She jumps into my arms hugging me "Hi!"

"Hi Katie" hugging her before pulling away "is your brother and his friends here?"

"Playing on the couch" she opens the door and I cover my ears when Emma runs in screaming loudly that the guys look our way.

"BIG TIME RUSH!" She screams for like five minutes before running over and jumping into James arms "Oh my god! Your James Diamond!"

"Emily" Aunt Jennifer comes over and we hug.

"Hi Aunt Jen" I'm cousins with them through their dad who was also in the military, pulling away I see the guys try to pull Emma off of James who is losing consciousness "let me go help"

Going over to the guys, Kendall pulls away as the guys fall to the floor "Hi Em"

"Kendall" hugging him for a brief moment "that's Emma, I'm her nanny—she's got a strong grip"

Kendall looks her way "Yeah, we can see"

"Emma!" Pulling her off of James, when he's able to breathe Emma is trying to run into his arms but I hold her back.

"Guys this is my cousin Emily" Kendall introduces us "this is Emma, Emily is her nanny. Emily, Emma this is Logan, Carlos and James"

"I love you James!" Emma manages to grab his arm "I know that your favorite color is purple, you love bandanas, you have an alter ego named Bandana Man, that you only use Cuda products even though you get allergic reactions and need to get huge shots but your allergic to needles and I know that you have a lucky comb you always keep on guard since your hair is one of your best features!"

"Stalker" Carlos mutters

"Okay Emma" pulling her back "dial it back a bit"

"Hey" Carlos points to me "your the cousin who was recently in that chase? We saw you jump onto a drone"

"Thanks" smiling to him before keeping Emma back from James who is by his friends "Emma, dial back" looking at them "we were going to see you guys in New York but I was busy so here we are"

|Time Skip|

"So" Demetri asks me as we are by the Palm Woods pool hanging out, the guys have done this contest called 'Win a Date with Big Time Rush' and Emma won the one with James so I'm keeping an eye on them "what's it like being a nanny?"

"I enjoy times" looking over at Emma who is taking a photo with James for Pop Tiger "but it can be challenging...especially with those four kids—I love them but" shaking my head "so, do you like children? I mean"

"Yes" he nods his head "I wouldn't be a teacher or anything but I find children fascinating" raising my eyebrow "how their minds work, how they perceive the world and who they could become—so is being a nanny who you'll become or"

"I want to be an author"

"Really? Do you have anything written or"

"I have something written" nodding my head "based off of my time in England, though I've changed some stuff for obvious reasons...I'm just trying"

"What genre is it?" He asks

"Fantasy, Mystery, history" looking over at how James is running away from Emma and Emma is running after him, the other kids are playing in the pool minus Ravi who is with Mr. Kipling "I don't know if I'm being brave trying to get my book published or if I should go back and be like my dad and protect people"

"I think" Demetri takes my hand "your being extremely brave" We stare at one another, leaning in close—oh my god! Am I going to have my first kiss?

"Emily!" The moment is ruined when Zuri runs up to us and she gets between us "what are you two doing? Were you about to kiss cause that's how cooties are spread"

"Done in the pool?" I ask her

"Yeah" Katie is beside us "mom is going to take me to the arcade and was wondering if Luke, Ravi and Zuri wanted to join?"

"Sure" nodding my head "as long as they are back by dinner, I'm making tamales" Zuri does a fist pump.

"Wait!" Zuri takes my hand "come with! Please! Please! Please!"

"I'm sorry sweetie" shaking my head no "but I have to keep an eye on Emma"

"Oh right" she nods her head "make sure Emma doesn't kidnap her date"

"Exactly" nodding my head, they head off and I lean back in my chair looking at Emma and James. James is currently being tied up by Emma before dragged away.

"Aren't you going to help him?" Demetri points to them

I pull out my phone taking some photos "I'm going to capture this moment"

"Before you do" Demetri turns my face pressing his lips to mine, a gasp comes from me as he slips his tongue into my and we share a slow, long and deep kiss.

Oh my god! My first kiss! I can't believe it!

Pulling away for some air, I'm smiling brightly before realizing "I got to get Emma" leaving to see Emma in the lobby with James, Bitters the manager just looks amused eating popcorn "Emma" pulling Emma away, I whisper "just kisses Demetri"

"What?!" She screeches looking my way "You and Demetri" nodding my head, we screech together "tell us everything"

"It was amazing" shaking my head "best first kiss ever"

Her eyes widen as James stops struggling to look over to me "Seriously? First kiss? No offense Emily but you look like the kind to have kissed many men"

"Who cares Mr Emma Ross" Emma dreamily looks at him before looking at me "Okay! So, are you two like an item?"

"I don't know" shaking my head "but what I do know is that he is...I'm pretty sure he's my soulmate" she screeches with me jumping up and down, looking over I see Demetri on the phone smiling.

Listening closely, I hear him say "Yes Felix, I am just waiting for the perfect time to ask her out on a date" he's silent "I don't know if this is a date, we didn't make it clear"

Oh yeah, is this a date or not? You know what? I'm just going to ride this high of my first kiss.

Emily (Hold)Where stories live. Discover now