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When we get to this cave covered with tree vines, Horus stopped having us stop. He pulls up this vine that opens the cave, we go through the cave and into this library. Then we see a bunch of men who look like the same person, he has dark skin, cropped hair with a gold headset and dark eyes. They are all in the same long green robe with gold embroidery.

"Uh" looking around the room "which one is...Thoth? Are they him?"

"They are his trusted servants" I'm behind Horus and Hathor who are ahead of me, taking a close look I notice my height is between them. Well I'm almost the same height as Hathor, I'm five foot eight so she has to be about five foot six? Five foot seven? While Horus seems the same height as dad who is six foot two.

"He only trusts himself" Horus says

"What is its truth?" Someone asks, I see a guy sitting down laying back relaxed until he stands up as he is handed some romaine lettuce "colorful. Mainly in the green and red spectrums. Variegated varieties with inflorescences composed of multiple florets" walking around the table in the middle of this place as a bunch of him brings different scrolls to be filed away "each with a modified calyx"

"Wise Lord of the Sacred Word" Horus offers a small bow holding his arms out as Hathor leans against a small statue "we seek your counsel"

After looking at some tablet he holds up one finger "Once, a weed, uprooted and burned" looking back to the lettuce "now prized for the vigor of its oils and sustenance of its leaves. But why is its truth?" He holds it up once he sits back down with his feet up before tossing it to one of him, he points to Hathor "You! Turn around"

"You" she asks "prefer the view from behind?"

"No!" he stops before scoffing irritated not looking at us "Well yes, you know I can't lie" motioning with his finger to turn "Turn around, I'm not going to risk" she holds up her hands turning around "looking into those tricky eyes of yours" when he stands up he looks at us "Forty Seven"

"Excuse me?" Horus asks

"The percentage of knowledge" he turns back to the desk "I have so far recorded"

"Thoth, I only need..." Horus asks

"The answer to the riddle of the Sphinx" he looks to us "a child could deduce why your here" he looks at me "what is that?" My birth parents look to me and I shrug my shoulders before hand comes over to look at my clothes.

"Oh!" Exclaiming "these are my clothes"

"Clothes?" He grabs my top "the fabric, such an unusual fabric" he sniffs it then he looks at my shorts "and what is this" he circled around me "your posterior is barely even covered"

"Actually my ass is covered" slapping his hand away when he went to touch my butt "and don't touch my ass, pervert"

He stands up straight "Pervert?"

"A person whose sexual behavior" explaining the word "is regarded as unacceptable or unusual"

He blinks his eyes at me bewildered then looks to them "Who is she?"

"Our daughter" Hathor proudly says

He looks between them then to me "How I didn't see it before, she looks like you both" looking me up and down as I wrap the top around my waist "such odd attire she chooses to wear"

"Maybe odd to you" crossing my arms "but completely normal to me—now are you going to help us or not?"

He composes himself putting his hands behind his back walking away "She is like you" standing next to the table then looks to us "get the riddle then come back and relay it to me, I'll solve it"

"One of us" Horus reminds him "would have to die"

"Well" he looks at us going around the table "draw lots"

"Come with us" Horus begs

"One night" is my mom really whoring herself out? Then again I did do that once down in Rio... "I'll give you one night"

"No you won't" Horus scowls walking up to Thoth "Seth must be dropped before he destroys us all" I then realize something going up to cover Horus's mouth.

"It's obvious he can't solve it" everyone stops and when I mean everyone, I mean all of him. They look at me, the servants whispering as Thoth looks at me offended.

"I am" he stands up from that game "the smartest man in all of Egypt! I can recite every star. I've seen the world created from sand and water" walking towards us "I contain all the wisdom in the universe" tapping his head looking at me "of course I can solve the riddle!"

"Really? Then answer this riddle I have for you" it's what I watched from Lost Girl "She's brilliant. He's strong. Her life is little. His life is long. Both loves are pure. Both loves are true. If you were I, who would you choose?"

"Choose?" He asks

"Yeah" nodding my head "choice? And you" pointing my finger at him "have to figure it out without the help of your servants! If you can solve it on your own, then it seems your smart enough to solve the Sphinx's riddle so we'll go and then come back to relay it to you and if you don't solve it you head to come with to solve the sphinx's riddle to prove yourself. Deal?"

"Fine!" He tilts his head up thinking, his servants whispering.

Looking at Horus and Hathor I wink my eye, looking at them then to Thoth who looks at me "The man" he answers "he will live longer"

"Final answer?" I ask

He looks uncertain now "Wait!" He begins to pace around having his hand on his chin "The woman!" He tilts his head narrowing his eyes "No! No! Wait!" He is tapping his foot "the man" nodding his head "yes, it is clear you want the man"

Shaking my head no, his eyes widen "Great" clapping my hands as I pull him away and towards the entrance "come on!"

"What's the answer?" He demands

"It's a trick question" looking at him "if you love both so much, you do whatever it have both. Where I'm from a polyamorous relationship"

He looks impressed then to my birth parents "A very smart little girl you both have" he walks forward faster.

Hathor comes up and gives me shoulders a squeeze smiling while Horus leans down "Impressive"

"I know" throwing my hair over my shoulder

Emily (Hold)Where stories live. Discover now