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We are inside of this obelisk as the elevator that was made in Egypt brings us up, from what I know Egypt had many vast technological advances than other places on earth. The man, Seth's right hand looks between us "This is a tall thing...though I've seen taller"

The human scoffs shaking his head "This is the single greatest architectural achievement that ever was and ever will be. My—I mean Lord Seth's obelisk stands at exactly two thousand two hundred and twenty feet tall" he smiles proudly "so any building you've seen isn't the same"

"I can think of five other buildings that I've seen that are taller" his eyes widen "yeah..." he can't do anything since his hands are tied behind his back but also he's only wearing that white cloth to cover up his junk. He was wearing gold but I decided no.

"Oh yeah?" He asks "are they built from seven billion bricks of granite, five billion slabs of tura limestone and one billion talents of gold"

"Seems excessive" looking around this place "for such an ugly looking piece of shit" Horus lets out a laugh as this guy looks between us enraged "how many slaves died building this?"

"Five thousand" he answered without hesitancy "nine hundred and thirty"

Narrowing my eyes on him "It's monsters like you who have a special place in hell"

Horus keeps me from attacking "You need him to get to the top, I'll meet you up top"

I give him a hug before he does anything "Don't" Pulling away, Horus looks at me shocked with some tears in his eyes "You are my father, I can't lose another parent"

"I promise I'll come back" he hugs me kissing the top of my head before jumping off and onto the window.

Wiping away the tears that fell, I pull out the knife that I took from this guy's office. Looking at the guy, we are both silent "You are very beautiful" he says "if you let me go"

Letting out a laugh "I'm not going to help you" going over to him, I press the blade to his dick having his heart race "bleeding to death, you know what? I know how you'll die..."

"Please" he screams as I cut off his cock and then his balls, how dare he kill that many people and feel no remorse. Grabbing his tiny dick and balls, I laugh before stabbing each appendage onto the blade like one would for a kabob.

Holding it out to the fire, keeping my eyes on the man who is crying in pain I check on the dick and balls before bowing the fire out then going towards him.

He pleads trying to get away but I shove his dick and balls into his mouth one by one feeding it to him before pushing him off of the elevator having him plummet to the ground.

Once I'm at the top, I get out to see Seth about to kill my father "I'm going to miss these little get together" grabbing the one knife I have, I carefully get to the top and once I've got a clear shot I throw it and it embeds in his shoulder. I have a feeling he has his eye, if he does I'm going to get it.

Looking my way, he shakes his head letting out a bitter laugh "Like both of your parents, complete pest" he turns into his weird beast thing with wings and the eye. Flying at me he grabs me by my shoulders and shoved me into the one statue. He stabs my side having me cry out in pain.

I use another knife, my last knife to grab the eye from him. When I do, I stab the knife into his back between the wings twisting it causing him to scream. He throws me over and I land on my back hard. "Dad!" Throwing the eye to him, my aim is off a bit and dad looks between us both before rushing after me as I fall.

Emily (Hold)Where stories live. Discover now