Twenty Two

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"Why is she here?" Nina glares at Joy as Joy and I entered the room I share with Amber and unfortunately Nina. Did I mention this before?

"This is my room too" the rest of Sibuna looks at us "and I told Joy everything"

"Why would you do that?" Nina demands standing up as the others are also asking but not as harshly "because of her that horrible article was written!"

"Because she knows how Sibuna started" getting in Nina's face having her take a step back "I know the truth about the mask you want to get because I saw the real mask, you don't need to know how but know that when it comes down to it I know the truth just like Rufus who has one piece of the mask. The purple gem that Jerome was getting for his dad? That gem? That's part of it" looking around the room "and we want that mask because do you know what happens in one month?"

"What?" Fabian asks

"You all die" Joy says "when someone is given the Mark of Anubis they are given half a year left to live or they all die" looking at Nina shaking her head "how you could even put their lives in danger the way you did and continue to is horrible of you Nina"

"My gran" she yells "is dying! She also has the mark! And" looking at me "how do you know any of this?!"

"You want proof?" She nods her head "fine" I hold my hands out and do what my parents told me to say "Anubis, come forth"

Opening my eyes as people gasp and everyone goes to the side, Anubis appears before us and he looks between us "Emily" he smiles to me "it's been a longtime, I see you are well"

"As you are Anubis" nodding my head

"That's Anubis!" Alfie points to Anubis who looks their way.

"Anubis?" I ask "can you tell them what happens after six months with your mark?"

"I take your souls" he tells them "I only allow half a year for those with my mark"

"Remove them!" Nina begs "my gran"

"I do not answer to you mortal!" He snaps having her cry in pain from her mark that she grabs, she falls to the floor crying.

"Please" I ask "she's learned for now"

"Of course Emily" he nods his head looking at me "I can remove the marks but it'll come at a price"

"She'll pay it" Nina says

"Nina?" Amber asks horrified "how could you even agree on Emily's behalf?"

"You don't think it's suspicious how she's all buddy buddy with the God of Death?" Nina demands

"Let me be clear Paragon" Anubis walks towards Nina and stands so tall he almost hits the ceiling, Nina gulps pulling away "you are an insignificant enigma who I will end if you continue to insult Emily or speak out of line, am I clear?"

She nods her head shakily crying a bit "Yes, sir"

He pulls away looking at me "I'll remove any mark you wish as long as I get my mask back, I'll even take that Senkhara to the final gate to be judged along with that Rufus" Rufus manages to escape prison and he's trying to get the mask as well to become a god.

"Okay" nodding my head "you've got a deal"

He nods his head "Until next time Emily" he spins around disappearing into the floor.

Everyone looks at me as I have my arms crossed "Believe me now?"

|Next Week|

"No!" Running in with my parents who I was visiting, Amber called me about the mask and finishing the one tunnel and getting the fake mask. That Nina got them to finish the task.

We ran in just as Joy was hit with lightning protecting Fabian, I run up to the second floor where Nina is. She/Senkhara look my way and I scream at her loudly that the windows around us shatter but also Nina is thrown into the bookcase.

Grabbing the mask, I get away from Nina who gets up groaning. She sees me "Emily! Please!" She begs "my gran! Senkhara will kill her!"

I jump down off the second floor when Nina comes close, looking over I see Rufus here being held by dad while Eddie is here too "Eddie? Why are you here?"

"He's Nina's Osirian" mom tells me

"Joy!" Looking over, we see Joy who is very pale on the floor.

"This is all your fault!" Yelling at Nina as some tears come down my face, I then realize "dad?" Looking at dad as Victor demands what happened "how do I save her?"

"Only Anubis knows" he says

"Anubis" mom calls "come forth"

Rufus's eyes widen along with Jerome's, Eddie's and Victor's as Anubis is brought forth looking around "Mistress of the West, still as lovely as the first dawn. Lord of Air, King of all Egypt" looking at me "Emily, daughter of Hathor and Horus"

"My friend" I ask "she's dying and you told me long ago that if I wore your mask I could save a person's life, how do I do it now?"

"Simply wear my mask and imagine the energy, her life growing and returning to her body" he looks down to Joy "hurry, she only has but seconds left" Placing the mask upon my face, this rush of power goes through me. Like when I assembled the Cup of Ankh.

Kneeling next to Joy, placing my hands above her body closing my eyes I find her energy. Her life force. I imagine how amazing Joy is, all her amazing attributes and what makes her her. I imagine bringing back the life that has been leaving her.

Someone coughs and hearing relieved gasps and sighs, looking down Joy opens her eyes tiredly "What happened?"

"Stupid heroics" Patricia says

Standing up, removing the mask from my face handing it to him "Anubis, Lord and Protector of the Dead I ask you honor our agreement and remove the Mark of Anubis from my friends Amber, Fabian, Patricia, Alfie, and even Nina and her grandmother take Senkhara to the land of the dead along with Rufus" motioning to Rufus who is struggling in dad's grip.

He nods his head "As you wish Emily, Paragon of the Gods" holding scepter out, my friends gasp checking their bodies seeing the mark burning away. They look at him then to me, Anubis looks at Senkhara who screams no "the doors of earth are open to you" we see the portal open up as Senkhara shakes her head. Anubis forced her through while Anubis looks to Rufus who refuses to go "You are released" Rufus thinks he's leaving but no, Anubis takes his spirit out of his body. Dad drops the body while Anubis says "the doors of earth are open to you, what do you offer?"

"I'm not going!" Rufus screams

Anubis shakes his head "So be it" Rufus screams as he is pushed through the gates looking at us three "it is good to see you three, till we meet again"

"Your" Victor looks at my mom and dad "my king, my queen" he kneels before them.

"Rise" Horus motions "all we care for right now is that our daughter is safe" my parents hug me and I hug them back.

"We are so proud of you" mom kisses the top of my head.

Emily (Hold)Where stories live. Discover now