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As I sit in the crickety old chair, and my mother tugs at my black curls trying to get them into a braid I sit and think.

The 62nd hunger games is here, it's my third year of being entered into the hunger games. Three entries doesn't seem too bad? Uhm no, try 46. My name has been entered into the reaping 46 times. My family is from the Seam. And the more times my name goes in, the more rations we receive.

My little sister sits nervously beside me. It is her first year in the reaping. Her name is only in once. My mother said she can't risk losing both of us because of the reaping. Yeah I know, shitty. She's willing to sacrifice me but not my sister. I mean I get it. I am the carbon copy of my father. I have jet black hair, that's wild curls could never be contained. My hair reaches down to the top of my bottom. My eyes are forest green as well. A striking characteristic in the seam. Not many folks here have anything besides dark hair and grey eyes. But my sister has my mothers bright red hair and chocolate brown eyes. My father left my mother a few years back and married some lady from town. He's much better off. But he's still a prick. But ever since he left, my mother has written my existence off. Only caring when asking me to slip another piece of paper with my name on it into the reaping bowl.

Once mother gives up on braiding my hair and throws it up into a bun. I pull out a few curls with a huff and stand up.

"Come on Adeline, we are gonna be late." I whisper to my sister before dragging her out of our house and straight to the town square. She cries and tries to hold onto me when the time comes to get in our age groups. I have to pry her hands from around my waist and shove her into the other twelve year olds. She will forgive me later.

"Sabira please stay with me!" She cries out but I just turn and head back to my row. When I get to my spot I drag my hands down my dress and smooth out the wrinkles. It's grey with a black tie around the waist.

I stand next to some town girl as our districts escort, Ficklin give us our speech about the war that we have heard a billion fucking times. I glance across the stage and see a blonde man with slightly shaggy hair and bright blue eyes. He looks super bored and possibly intoxicated.

"Now let's do ladies first!" Ficklin yells out like he's doing us some large favor. I roll my eyes at his excitement. "Sabira Gables!" He yells out into the mic excitedly. Everyone around me parts ways and I just stand there stupidly.

I point at myself with wide eyes and whisper "me?" Ficklin laughs at my reaction, purely because he's used to us breaking out into tears. Not being confused.

"Yes young lady! Now come on up." I walk past all of my classmates until I see my sisters bright red hair. She looks at me with tears in her eyes and reaches out for me. I reach other and hold her hand for as long as I can before we are out of reach. She collapses to the floor and cries.

I walk onto the stage past the blonde man, our only living victor. He looks up at me, and gives me a slight nod before leaning back in his chair.

I walk over next to Ficklin and he grasps my hand tightly.

"How do you feel dear Sabira?" He asks me excitedly.

I look him in the eyes "like maybe all the extra rations weren't worth it." I speak clearly before turning to look my mother in the eyes. Which she is just sneering at me. I let my eyes glaze over the crowd and I see my father push his way to the front of the parents. I would know his eyes anywhere. After all he is my father. His hair is greying but it still has the wild curls that I inherited. I glare at him for a second longer before zoning back into the ceremony only to see a male tribute has already been selected. I glance at him and see that he is older, he has the usual black hair and grey eyes. He is probably 6 foot 5. But he's skinny.

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