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598 12 10

"Please welcome district 12! Sabira Gables!" Caesar yells out and I stumble my way into the stage with a big smile.

"Ah dear Sabira you are gorgeous!" Caesar yells "isn't she folks?!" He asks the crowd and they yell in acknowledgment.

"Thank you Caesar." I say looking down at my lap bashfully.

"Now tell me dear, do you have anyone special at home?" Caesar asks me with a small smile.

"Well Caesar I'm only 15." I laugh out nervously.

"Well you have to have a crush on someone!" He yells with a laugh before looking at the crowd.

"Well there is one person I think is cute..." I whisper.

"Oh do tell! Is it Darius?" He asks and I make a face of disgust.

"Uhm no it is not... it's..." I blush and look down. Caesar squeezes my hand encouragingly. "Well I do think Haymitch is quite handsome." I answer blushing like a wildfire.

"Dear Sabira he is quite older than you! He's 29!" Caesar yells out while laughing.

"Hey you asked!" I retort and Caesar let's put another laugh. The citizens laughing as well. I look up and see Haymitch smiling in the audience. I quickly look back down

"I saw that! Haymitch don't you smile at her! You're making her blush." Caesar teases me and I turn even more red when Haymitch throws his hands up in mock surrender.

Caesar finally dismisses me and I head back stage to Darius who is already waiting for me. Haymitch jogs back stage and smiles at me but I quickly look at the floor.

"Tomorrow is your only day of training. So make it count." Haymitch announces.

"I thought we got three?" I quickly retort

"The president wants to do something new this year..." he answers while looking at me sadly.


I walk into the training room and head over to the knives. I glance at all of the different types before my eyes settle on a hunting knife. I grin evilly before spinning the knife in my hand.

"Do you know what you're doing with that 12?" The district one boy asks walking up to me with a smirk.

I toss it in the air before quickly holding it against his throat.

"I know how skin you like a deer in less than 5 minutes. I can put your organs on display for the whole country to see..." I smile at him sadistically before shoving him away from me.

Darius walks up to me with a smile.

"You're so kind to people..." he mocks me and I glare at him.

"What can you do?" I ask him and he smiles.

"I used to work in the mines for extra money. I'm good with a pickaxe." He answers before picking one up and heaving it as hard as he can at a target. It breaks the target and I smile.

"We are going to have so much fun..." I smile at him and he shakes his head but smiles back at me.


"It is time..." Haymitch says to me while guiding me into the launch room.

"Damn I was hoping they'd give me another year..." I joke and he smiles at me.

"Soooo you have a crush on me huh?" He teases me and I blush.

"Shut up, I just think you're hot." I retort and he laughs hard at that one.

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