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"You look gorgeous darling." Haymitch whispers into my ear making me blush a deep scarlet.

"Oh hush. Now let's go. I'm going to be late to Johanna's interview and I need to know what I should do." I say pulling Mitch behind me towards the elevator.

We rush out of the elevator and to the back stage just in time to see Johanna.

"This is totally bullshit!" She screams along with many other profanities before walking off to stand with the other victors.

Oh I can beat this, no problemo.

I sit bored through the rest of the tributes before I'm finally called on.

"Sabira Gables!" Caesar yells out. I swagger onto the stage and send Johanna a smirk.

"There's two big questions we have for you darling, one is why did you volunteer? And the second is, did you ever get Haymitch?" Caesar ask with a smile

"Well I volunteered because I see her as a daughter, her and Peeta are like children to me. I'll die for that boy. It is my one goal to get him out of that arena alive. And as for Haymitch, yeah I got him. And god he is goooood, if you know what I mean." I wink at Caesar and he lets out a long laugh. The citizen let out cries of happiness. Not expecting me to go into detail in that way.

"Well we are happy for you there. Now tell me, what do you think of the games?" Caesar asks

"I think that they are... total bullshit! Fuck this!" I scream and stand up. I flip the couch that I was sitting on. "And fuck president show!" I scream out and throw the little coffee table that was next to my chair into the crowd. I quickly walk to the to the other tributes and stand beside chaff. They all look at me shocked. Even Johanna is surprised.

Peeta goes next and shocks the nation "if it- if it weren't for the baby." He says taking us all by shock.

The capitol own people start screaming to cancel the games and I let a large smile grave my face. I look over at the camera and flip it off. My own special message for our dear president snow. Chaff grabs my arm and shoves it down.

"You're pushing it missy." He whispers to me.

"Yeah well it turns Mitch on." I respond and he just smirks and shakes his head.

"You're something else."

We all join hands and raise our arms in the air. Peeta drops my hand when he initially touched the cold metal. I glance at him and he sends me an apologetic look before grasping my hand and raising it. The people cut the lights and leave us to stumble back to our floors. Haymitch is waiting for us outsdie the elevator.

"You were... a lot" he laughs out, pulling me into a hug.

"I tried." I whisper into his ear.

"Meeting tonight on the roof." He whispers back.

I walk into my room and strip my clothes off. I climb into the bath and scrub all of the makeup off. I my my head back and try to relax when Haymitch walks in.

"Now this is quite the sight." Haymitch leans against the doorframe and smirks.

"Oh shut up. What do you need?" I ask him as I try to continue my relaxation.

"It's time for the meeting, so get out." He says and I let out a groan.

"You need help?" He asks with a smirk and I flip him off before climbing out of the tub.


"Jeez Haymitch you called for this meeting and you were one of the last ones here." Finnick teases us with a smirk

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