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I wake up in a hospital room. I look around and to my left is Haymitch. Asleep with a bottle of bourbon in his hands. I go to reach over to wake him up but when I lift my arm I notice that the bottom half of it is gone

"What the fuck?!" I scream out which result in Haymitch jumping out of his seat.

"Wha- Sabira you're awake?" He questions before sitting back down and squeezing my leg trying to comfort me.

"My arm... they cut it off? I thought this was the fucking capital. Could they not fix it?!" I exclaim upset.

"Well it was shattered by a sledge hammer and then you snapped it clean on that boys face. Which was disgusting to watch. You don't see many broken bones in the games. Just gore." He responds

"But I liked my arm." I reply sadly and he laughs.

"They're giving you a fake one. After your interview with Caesar." Haymitch adds making me nod

"I can't believe I won." I state.

"I can't believe you both made it to the end. That's unheard of. Truthfully I tend to lose you guys really early." Haymitch replies making me grimace.

"He saved me. He could've won." I speak with tears in my eyes.

"He knew that you should be the one to live. He loved you like a sister." Haymitch tries to comfort me but I just sob.

" I don't even know how many people I killed." I whisper

"That doesn't matter. Now let's get you ready. It's interview time. You've been asleep too long." Haymitch pulls me out of the bed and leads me to our dressing team.

"I chose a loose outfit due to your arm... sadly that means no more latex for you." My stylist announces and I sigh in relief. But make it look like I'm sad when he glances up at me.

"Actually! You can wear latex!" He rushes away and comes back with a latex tank-top. It has straps the size of two fingers. He partners it with a short latex skirt and a pair of boots. He uses soot and drags his fingers across my face leaving 4 lines of soot on my face. This man is fucking ridiculous. I walk out of the room and Haymitch looks up at me with a smirk.

"Don't say a fucking word." I brush past him swinging my arms, well arm and a nubbin as I walk by.

"The winner of the 62nd hunger games Sabira Gables!" Haymitch yells making me walk into the stage. I take a seat next to him and he turns to me excitedly.

"You look so scary now!" He exclaims making the crowd yell out in agreement.

"Yeah I feel like it too, I mean look at this outfit." I laugh out and Caesar does as well.

"When your arm was crushed we allll felt it." Caesar yells out. Making the crowd yell out agreements.

"I doubt you guys felt it. Trust me it was an out of body experience." I reply with a small chuckle.

"And then you used that arm to punch the boy from 1! Your arm literally folded. I see that they did have to remove it."

"Yes sadly they did, the doctors tried hard to save it but there wasn't much that they could do. The bones were practically dust." I answer him and he visibly shutters.

"Well moving on from that, let's talk about Darius."

"He was like a brother to me. He sacrificed himself for me and I'll never be able to repay him for that." I respond sadly.

"You guys were quite entertaining with your conversations in the arena. That's for sure." Caesar laughs out making the citizens laugh as well.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. We managed to keep each other in good spirits." I reply

"That's good, now let's talk about Haymitch. Are you gonna act on your little crush?" He asks me and I blush.

"I'm only 15 Caesar, how about you ask me again in a few years." I respond and he laughs.

"Well me and the whole capitol are rooting for you guys! I'll ask again in a few years. The winner of the 62nd hunger games Sabira Gables!" He yells again before leading me off the stage. I'm quickly rushed onto the train and taken home.


"Sabira!" My sister screams my name the second I step off of the train. My mother, sister, father and his wife are waiting for me at the bottom of the platform. I wave at them but am guided straight to the victors village.

"Choose whatever one you want, besides this one. This one is mine." Haymitch says pointing at the house in front of us.

"I'll take this one." I choose one beside him and he laughs.

"You didn't even look inside."

"I'm sure it is nicer than what I lived in before the games." I shrug and head in. It has a large kitchen and living room. It has 4 bedroom and 2 bathrooms.

"Damn this is nice." I exclaim and Haymitch shakes his head at me.

"You curse like a sailor." He teases me and I laugh.

"I know." I respond before throwing myself on the couch. I move my synthetic arms fingers and it feels so weird.

"I'm sure that's going to take some getting used to." Haymitch speaks before sitting in a chair across from me.

"Yeah it definitely will. Should I move my sister in with me?l" I ask him and he shrugs

"If that's what you want. What about your mom?" He asks

"Fuck her." I respond with a smile. We sit in silence for a bit before I hear a knock at my door. I open it to see my family waiting for me. My sister throws herself at me and squeezes tight

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