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"What do you think the quarter quell will be this year?" I ask Haymitch as we lay in his bed, naked

"I have no clue sweetheart." He responds drawing patterns on my arm.


Katniss and Peeta had announced their engagement and I can tell they are anything but happy about it.

"Katniss it'll be okay." I try to comfort her but she just scowls deeper

"Ye-" she doesn't get to finish because we hear a loud explosion. She runs off into town and I follow her in fear of her getting hurt. The hub has burned down. The peacekeepers raided it. We run further into town and see a man tied to the whipping post, that man being Gale Hawthorne, katnisses best friend.

Katniss runs forward and throws herself between the peacekeeper and Gale. She gets whipped in the face and I feel rage overtake me. I run full force at the man and tackle him. He flips us over and punches me in the face. Katniss grabs him and rips him off of me. Before it can get any worse Haymitch and Peeta show up.

Haymitch deescalates the situation and drags me and Katniss away to her house

"What we're you two thinking?!" He yells angey

"I needed to help Gale." Katniss responds and he looks over at me expectantly

"Her hurt my little Katniss." I shrug and he throws his head back and groans

"So you tackle him like a linebacker?" He asks incredulously.

"It was pretty cool." Katniss says with a small smile

"You think? I really tried hard." I smiled excitedly.

And Haymitch just groans louder and drags me out of the house to his own.

"You're crazy." He says quietly

"Yeah well you love it." I retort and straddle him

"Baby we can't, they're announcing the quell." Mitch shoves me off of him but pulls me Mack on his lap but I'm facing the tv this time.

"For our quell this year we would like to remind even the strongest that they are not invincible." President snow sneers into the camera.

"So we will be selecting tributes from the existing pool of victors, regardless of age or health." He smiles evilly into the camera and my heart drops

"Mitch..." I turn and look at him. He's already looking at me.

"There's a chance you won't be reaped baby." He tries to comfort me but I think it is mostly for himself

"I have to go back in. We both know what Katniss symbolizes. We can't risk her." I whisper sadly.

"No, we will find another way." He denies and pulls me closer. I put my hands on either side of his face and kiss him slowly.

"It'll be okay baby. We know snow did this to get back at Katniss. He doesn't think I'll volunteer for her." Haymitch nods sadly.

"I love you Sabby..." he whispers for the first time

"I love you too Mitch."


"The entirety of district 12 is silent during the reaping. Even Effie is somber.

"I guess we will go with ladies first...." Effie tried to grab a slip of paper and eventually pulls one out. "Katniss Everdeen!" She yells. Katniss starts to walk forward and I grab her arm.

"I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!" I yell and shove Katniss behind me. Katniss goes to speak but the look I give her shuts her up.

I walk onto the stage and stare straight at Haymitch somberly.

"Now for the boys, Haymitch Abernathy!" She yells out and my heart drops

"I volunteer as tribute!" Peeta yells out shocking me. When he gets onto the stage he pulls me into a hug.

"No one should be forced into the arena with tiger lover." He shields and I nod in agreement

"Thank you." I whisper

"No, thank you" he corrects


Haymitch sits and walks us through each of the tributes that will be in the games, but he's mostly teaching Peeta. I already know most of these people. Most of them are a friend of mine sadly.

"Enobaria and Brutus, they're careers. They will kill you the first chance they get." He declares and I glare

"Piranha would absolutely never hurt me." I shake my head and cross my arms

"Baby they're fighting for their lives and if it comes down to her and you she's going to try to tear your throat out." Haymitch says grabbing my hand

"Mitch these have been my friends for year I don't think I can do this." I feel the tears gather in my eyes and Mitch hugs me, running his fingers through my hair.


"Never thought I'd be back on one of these..." I speak gesturing to the chariot beside me.

"What are you going to do to try to stop the games?" Finnick asks me as he pops a sugar cube into his mouth

"I don't know, I just got Haymitch you know? I finally got him to feel for me as I feel for him. And now I'm going to lose him. Or well I guess he's going to lose me." I speak sadly

"I know what you're feeling..." Finnick says but he is clearly deep in his head. He snaps out of it and sends me his signature smirk and leans in. "You messes up snows plans by volunteering for Katniss." He whispers and I smirk evilly

"Why do you think I did it." His eyes match my evil glint.

"For the mockingjay right?" He whispers

"For the mockingjay." I answer. He starts back to his chariot and I climb onto mine. Peeta joins my side and I link arms with him.

"I know it doesn't make sense but I feel like you're my child. I know I'm only 28. And you're 17. But I'd die for you." I whisper and lay my head against his arm.

"I'd die for you as well Sabira..." Peeta tells me looking down at me but I don't raise my head to meet his eyes

"Yeah well if it comes down to it I'm going to fall on my own blade. So don't try to fight me on it." I whisper back and I hear him grunt in response. He clearly disagrees

The chariot starts moving and I don't move away from him. The whole capital will see me holding him in a protective/motherly way. I will make my role known this year. I promised my sister I'd protect him last year and I'll be damned if I don't do it this year.

I glare up at snow with as much hate as I can muster. He smirks back down at me, which just makes me angrier.


"Okay mama bear, I saw you out there. Loved the open hate you showed Snow." Johanna said with a smirk as she joined us in the elevator.

"Fuck that man." I say to her with a smirk and she smiles wide

"Is it true you finally bagged Haymitch?" She asked me and Haymitch blushed.

"You know it, and let me tell you... it was worth the wait." I announce proudly and she lets out a laugh.

"God you're great. We are going to have so much fun. Just wait until my interview." She says winking at me.

"Whatever you do, I promise to one up it." I tease back with an evil glint.

She walks out of the elevator and Haymitch turns to Katniss and Peeta.

"That is Johanna mason, district 7. She's fun." Haymitch says with a small smile.

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