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We trudge through the forest towards the tree. I spend most of the time staring at my empty thumb socket.

"It's just a thumb Sabira, you're okay." Johanna teases me and I glare at her

"I mean come on, how many times do I have to lose it though?" I whine out and she laughs.

"You're funny. You ready for this?" She asks me with a slightly serious glint in her eyes. I can see the meaning behind her eyes

"I mean I'm in rough condition but I'm ready for it to be over. I miss my thumb. You normal people take advantage of your appendages." I whine and she laughs at my expense.

"Ah yes us evil normal people." She teases and I smirk.

"Are you two even paying attention?" Beetee scolds us and I look at the ground blushing. Oops.

"You, Peeta, and Johanna will take the coil. Finnick will stay with me." He repeats

"Sir yes sir!" I yell and salute him. He doesn't laugh. I drag Peeta with me. He holds the coil, Johanna leads, and I follow.

We go for a while when the coil gets caught. Peeta tugs a little but then it snaps. We quickly turn and see Brutus sneering at us.

"Johanna take care of Peeta! I will deal with this!" I yell at her and she nods. She knocks Peeta over the head and I turn and run.

I lead Brutus off into a small clearing. I turn on him and throw a knife lodging into his finger.

"I'm going to kill you!" He yells and tackles me.

"He raises his sword to stab me but another sword drives through his chest. He coughs blood on my face and turns behind him to his Enobaria.

"I'm sorry Brutus, I can't let you hurt her..." Enobaria cries out. He looks at her with eyes full of betrayal and falls off of me. I pull Enobaria into a hug. And she cries into my shoulder. The area starts to fall apart around us. And peacekeepers approach us. They quickly knocks us out and take us with them


"Who all did you get out?" Finnick asks Katniss and Haymitch.

"Just you and Beetee, it went wrong. It went so wrong." Haymitch speaks with his head in his hands and tears falling from his eyes.

"Where we're Johanna, Peeta, and Sabira when the arena exploded?" Finnick asks sitting beside Haymitch.

"Peeta was knocked out and Johanna got hit by a price of the arena before she could take out his tracker. Sabira was fighting Brutus but Enobaria killed him, saved Sabira. And then the camera cut." Katniss adds

"Enobaria saved Sabira? Killed her own district partner?" Finnick asks shocked.

"Shocked all of us as well." Katniss responds.

"I wasn't surprised. Sabira weaseled her way into that woman's heart. I think Enobaria sees herself as a mother to the girl. Feels as though she is responsible." Haymitch explains.


"How long have we been here?" I ask Johanna and Enobaria. Their cells are on either side of mine.

"A couple days Sabby." Piranha tells me. She hasn't really been touched but they're keeping her here because she saved me, which means she could be a part of the rebellion.

The peacekeepers come back and drag Peeta from his cell. His is beside Johanna's.

"Leave him alone!" I scream out. I reach through the bars and try to reach him. He reaches for me with tears streaming down his face but it's to no avail. I fall back onto the floor when a peacekeeper throws my cell open. I scramble backwards but he grabs my ankle and drags me out. I scream and try to grab the bars of my cell but he tugs harder making me lose my grip.

"Sabira!" Enobaria yells out and Johanna just starts to rock herself back and forth.

They throw me into a white room with a peacekeeper. He walks over to me and beats me with a bamboo stick. He hits me until I can barely move. He walks out of the room and I quietly whimper. I try to curl up in a ball but even that hurts excruciatingly. A weird gas fitters into the room and I feel the air leave my body. I try to scream for help but I can't feel any air. I claw at my throat until I pass out.

I awaken back in my cell. I slowly sit up and look over at Enobaria.

"Oh thank god you're alive. What happened? You look so rough." She speaks worriedly. I slide over by her cell and she reaches her arms through. She runs her fingers through my hair in an attempt to comfort me.

"They beat me and then took all of the oxygen out of the room." I answer her and she tenses

"I'm so sorry Sabby." She whispers and I nod.

"I'm grateful for you piranha." I whisper and she smiles and continues to run her fingers through my hair.

A week of the same torture goes by. We stop hearing from Peeta. He becomes a mute of sorts. Johanna loses more and more of herself. I know I'm not in any better condition. I know that the oxygen constantly getting cut off from my brain isn't good. Probably will cause lasting damage if I live through this.

"Get up!" A peacekeeper yells at me drawing me from my thoughts.

I scramble to my feet and he grabs my arm. He leads me into a nice sitting room. I see Caesar Flickerman sitting in the room. Along with Peeta. Caesars eyes flicker over to me and he looks at me shocked by my condition. They chain me to the chair due to my violent outbursts. President Snow walks into the room.

"Peeta we brought Sabira here to remind you that if you mess up she will pay for it." Is all he says before walking out of the room. There's a television behind Caesar's head that has the words for Peeta to speak. I let my head roll back onto my shoulder and slouch down in hopes of relaxing.

I hear Peeta and Caesar speaking when Peeta says something crazy.

"I'm calling for a cease fire!" I quickly pick my head up and look at Peeta in shock.

I turn to Caesar then I look at the camera.

"Don't cease fire! Blow this fucking place sky high! Abusive sons of bi-" I don't get to finish my sentence because two peacekeepers come and grab my chair and drag me out of the room. "Be brave Peeta!" I scream and he looks at me shocked.

"Dead by morning!" Peeta screams feeling a wave of bravery shoot through his body after his mentors outburst. They cut off the camera and start to beat him.


"Well she still has her spirit..." Finnick whispers having watched Sabira throw a tantrum and call the capitol names.

"They have her chained up like a dog..." is all Haymitch says before walking out of the room.

"Right but Peeta warned us about a bomb. We need to do something." Katniss adds, following Haymitch out of the room.


The peacekeepers throw me into my cell and Enobaria and Johanna rush over to my cell.

"You're so brave." Johanna laughs out and I crack her a small smile.

"You're very stupid but brave nonetheless" Enobaria adds with a small smile. She runs her fingers through my hair again. And I don't wake up until the next day. I found out that 13 had survived the bombing because Peeta was brave. He listened to me and warned them.

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