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"Okay so like training is fun. That's when you can choose your alliances and learn some last minute skills that may be the difference between life and death." I tell Katniss and Peeta. They both look at me drowsily.

"You're too peppy this early in the morning." Katniss grumbles and I laugh

"You're telling me, at least you don't have to deal with it all the time." Haymitch says making me smack him in the stomach. He grunts at the hit

"How rude! You chose me." I retort and the older man smiles at me

"You actually jumped me, so I think I just became a willing victim." He retorts and I glare even harder

"You're vile." I whine out

Our bickering is interrupted by Effie

"If you two would act like adults! It would be better. You two get it together. I'm walking them down to the training center." Effie scoffs at us and drags the kids into the elevator.

The second the doors close I jump up and straddle Haymitch.

"Well if you think I jumped you then I guess I'll do it again." I say placing my hands on his shoulders. He smiles at me and grasp my ass before standing up. He Carrie's me into our room and drops me onto the bed.

We both quickly tear off our clothes. Mitch drops to his knees on the floor and pulls me to the end ge of the bed. He pushes my thighs apart and dives between my legs. He drags his tongue through my slit. Flicking his tongue across my clit he traces his finger near my entrance teasingly before sliding it into my. He flips his hand and flicks up at my g spot. I let out a low moan and push myself back a little.

"Mitch I-" I moan out and he pulls me back closer to him. He continues his movements until I cum on his fingers and face. He pulls back and gives me a lazy smile. He climbs back up on me and goes to slide into me but I hook my legs around his waist and flip us over. He looks up at me in shock. I kiss his lips and trail my fingers down his toned chest. Once I hit the base of his cock I grab it. I slowly run my thumb over the head and he bucks his hips a little at the sensation. I smile and him before leaning down and taking him in my mouth. He lets out a groan and throws his head back. He gathers all of my hair into his hands to keep it out of my face. He guides me down on his dick but doesn't push which I'm appreciative of. I pop his dick out of my mouth and lick from the base up to the tip before quickly taking as much as I can. He hits the back of my throat making me gag a little and my eyes water. I look up at him and he smiles his crooked smile down at me. He wipes the stray tear from under my eye. He lifts me off of him and pushes me down on the bed. He slides between my legs and enters me.

"Mitch-" I moan out and he lets out a small moan as well. He leans down and kisses my jaw then kisses me on my lips.

He takes my legs and puts them up on his shoulders and enters me again. The shock hits me instantly. This is a lot.

"Oh god-" I cry out

Mitch smiles at me then proceeds to fuck me. He slides his hand between us and starts to play with my clit. My hips buck in response. He pushes me deeper into the bed

"Is this what you wanted when you dreamt of us fucking?" Haymitch rasps into my ear

"Yes, god yes!" I moan in response. He lets out a chuckle before dropping my legs and flipping me over like a rag doll. He pulls my hips up into the air and enters me from behind. I arch as low as I can and he lets out a moan of approval

"God you're fucking gorgeous." He rasps into my ear as he leans over me and fucks me. He leaves sloppy kisses on my shoulder

"Fuck baby I'm so close." I moan out which makes him snap his hips towards me faster. I quickly hit my climax, the waves of pleasure roll through my body. Apparently he was right behind me because he pulls out as soon as I come down from my high and cums on my ass. I collapse onto the bed and he falls beside me.

"What happened to the protection?" I ask him with a small smirk.

"I forgot." He responds and I laugh.

"Must be the age getting to you old man." I tease him and he sends me a playful glare

"That's not what you think when I'm fucking you." He retorts and I turn red

"Well actually when you're fucking me I think about how your age and experience probably help you." He let's out a deep laugh at my response and pulls me into a hug.

"I love your long hair." Haymitch whispers into my ear, totally off topic

"Really?" I ask him looking up into his eyes

"Yeah I was scared you'd cut it off eventually. But you never did." He answers me

"And now I never will." I respond and lean up to kiss him sweetly on the lips.

"Listen, Sabira. You're a gorgeous young woman. And I'm an old fart. What do you want from this?" He asks me gesturing between us

"Hoenstly?" I ask him staring into his eyes

"The whole honest truth please." He responds.

"Well truthfully I want to marry you one day and possibly if your arthritis doesn't get too bad by the time comes around, have a mini Haymitch." I respond truthfully. The arthritis part was me trying to add a little joke into this heavy conversation.

"That sounds wonderful to me dear. But I feel as though I'm holding you back. I feel like I'm getting the better end of this deal." He whispers into my hair

"I don't want anyone younger. Besides you may be old but I'm pretty much a partial cyborg. So we are on even grounds." I respond cheekily and he smiles

"Well then dear, I guess that means you finally get what you've always wanted." Haymitch speaks softly

"What is that?" I ask him leaning up and looking in his eyes

"You get me, I'm all yours baby." He sends me a large smile and kisses my lips.

"And I'm yours!" I respond excitedly.


This was kind of a filler but who doesn't love some sweetness

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