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"We did it... we took over." I state in disbelief. No way it is finally over.

"Now all we have left is the meeting with coin." Annie says to me quietly. We both got closer due to our pregnancies. The doctor told me are we due 2 days apart

"Yeah, let's go do that. I don't trust that woman." I say to Annie quietly and she nods her head in agreement.

"I don't either." She responds

Us final victors sit around the table.

"An honorary games?" I ask is shock

"Yes one lady games but with the capital children." Coin answers

"Was this Plutarch idea?" I ask shocked

"Nope it was mine. Now let's vote."

"No! And Enobaria would say no as well!" I exclaim

Everyone else casts their votes so I turn to Haymitch.

"I'm with the mockingjay." He announces and my jaw drops in shock

He avoids eye contact with me so I storm out of the room.

I avoid him all day until I have no choice but to stand by him during the execution of Snow. I refuse to look at him even though I can feel like looking at me. He leans down by my ear and talks

"She has a plan. I'm sorry baby. I wouldn't really want this." He whispers but I still don't turn to face him. He sighs and pulls away

Katniss fires her arrow but instead of it hitting snow, it hits coin. The crowd charges forward and kills snow with their bare hands.

I laugh and turn to Haymitch

"You knew?" I ask him

"Yes!" He yells over the crowd. He pulls me away from the crowd

"We need to leave." He says quickly pulling me to the train. Finnick and Annie get on with us. We head to district 12 and they help us pack up our belongings. We head to distract 4 after and move into the house right beside Finnick and Annie.


I gave birth to a little girl. Her name is Enobaria. Enobaria Jo Abernathy. Named after my favorite ladies. Johanna moved into the house next to us and Katniss and Peeta followed shortly after. Haymitch and I decided that one kid was enough due to him being 45 and me 31. Katniss and Peeta had two little cuties, Finnick and Annie had 4! They breed like rabbits. I love my family and I love my freedom.


If you read through this story, thank you. It was my first I finished.

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