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We finally get the willpower to stand up and journey further into the small wooded area. I hear the snap of a stick and turn just in time to see distract 3's boy running at me with a knife raised high in his hand

"Oh fuck!" I yell out, falling backwards as he lands on me. He tries to drive his knife into my chest but I hold him back with my arms. I glance over and see that Darius is fighting the woman from district 3. I quickly reach down with one hand and grab my knife before thrusting it into the boys side. He falls off of me into his side with blood trailing out of his mouth. I quickly straddle him and drag my knife along his neck, slitting his throat from ear to ear. I turn to check on Darius and watch him drive his pickaxe through the girls skull. He lets her fall before stepping on her face to hold her still as he slides his ace out of her head. Making an awful squishing sound as he does.

"They could've announced themselves or something. That was kind of rude." I say with a huff, sitting next to the guy I killed.

"Oh yes because people have manners in the arena, that bitch bit me." Darius announces while looking down at his arm. And sure enough he's bleeding from a bite mark. I fall over laughing and he glares at me.

"It's not funny. What if she doesn't brush her teeth?" He says trying to rub it off, as if that'll clean the wound.

"That would be gross. Let's go see if we can find some water." I pull myself up off of the ground and grab Darius's hand dragging him behind me. He just keeps complaining about how she bit him.

"Death by human bite... I can see it now. That's how I'm going to be in the history books. That's so embarrassing." He whines out

"Could you shut up. I'm trying to listen for running water. And I thought this plane was small but it's clearly much larger than we thought because I don't even see the desert anymore." After I make my concerns known Darius actually turns to look around.

"Hey that is weird." He states while turning in a full circle.

"It's late. Let's climb up in a tree so we can see the sky line. I want to know who's left." I say dragging Darius over to a tree. We both climb up it fairly easily until we break through the leaves.

"Uhm Sabira... I don't think this forest ends."

"What? It has to. It had like 30 trees and a stream when we came in." I say looking around. But I quickly notice that it does appear to be never ending.

"The stream disappeared the second we entered the tree line." Darius responded.

"And you didn't think to mention that!" I cry out and Darius gets cut off before he can respond by the capital anthem.

"Okay let's see who's left."

We see district 2s girl, both of district 3. Both from 5 and the girl from 6, and finally boy from 11.

"So 7 are dead..." Darius says and I nod.

"17 left... 15 to kill." I state.

"When should we split?" Darius asks the question I didn't think I would want to hear.

"Final 6, that's when we leave. I hope one of us dies before the final 2." I respond and he nods in agreement. We both get comfortable in the tree and take a nap. We figured we are high enough that we can both sleep.


"Ring around a rosey, pockets full of poseys, ashes ashes we all fall down." I have been singing this song for the past couple hours and Darius even started humming the tune to it. We have been trying to find the end of the forest to no avail.

"Is that...?" I say pointing at a small body of water.

"It is!" He exclaims and we run over to the small pond. I jump straight in and drink from it. Darius is a little more reserved and drinks from the side on his knees.

"God this feels so good." I moan out and Darius laughs for a second before freezing.

"What?" I ask him and he slowly looks past my shoulder. I slowly turn and come face to face with a huge snake. I instantly freeze and it slowly wraps its body around me.

"Slowly glide over to me." Darius whispers.

I take in a shakey breath and slowly glide over to the edge of the pond. The snake tightens once I stand out of the water. I look at Darius with a panicked look and he lifts one of my knives from the belt that I had ditched when jumping in the water. He quickly stabs the snake through its head and I spring backwards

"Ouch! You poked me!" I scream out and rub my shoulder that is now slightly bleeding

"Oh I save your life and you're mad that you're bleeding a little?!" He exclaims exasperatedly.

"Uhm yes!" I respond like it's a totally reasonable thing. I pick up the large snake and throw it at Darius. He screams like a little girl and runs away

"See! You don't like it either." I yell out. I shake my head and turn to fill up the water bottle. Note taken: do not jump in random bodies of water.

I hear 4 cannons go off in the distance and quickly stand up.

"Darius!" I yell just as he runs around a tree and towards me.

"Oh thank god I thought you died." I place my hand on my heart.

"Awww you do care about me." He exclaims.

"Oh shut up and suck a dick." I respond dryly.

"You have a fowl mouth." Darius responds while pointing his finger in my face.

"So how many are left now?" He asks.

"Uhm whatever 17-4 is." I respond before sitting and and starting to skin the snake.

"You don't know what 17-4 is?" He says while easing an eyebrow.

"I don't go to school much..." I respond with an embarrassed smile.

I can see on his face that he wants to tease me but he chooses not to. "There are 13 left." He responds before sitting next to me. He keeps gagging as I pull the snakes skin off of its body.

"I'm sorry you can drive an axe through a girls skull but you can't watch me skin a snake?" I ask shocked.

"It's totally different! You know what, don't judge me. I'm going to go get us some berries." He struts off in fake annoyance and I just snicker on his expense.

We start a small fire and cook the snakes meat as much as we can, Darius got s nice variety of berries and I made sure they were edible. We eat a good filling meal. The snakes meat doesn't taste the best but we actually have full stomachs in the arena so I'm grateful. We stomp out the fire and travel about 30 yard over before climbing into a tree for the night.

The sky lights up and we see that the 2 from district 4 and the boy from six and the girl from 11 are all dead.

"Do you think they were in an alliance?" I ask Darius.

"Yeah they trained together during training. I bet the careers slaughtered them." He responds before sliding down to get comfortable in the tree

"Well I hope they got a few good hits in." I say as I follow him to get comfortable before trying to fall asleep.

"Districts 1, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are still alive." Darius speaks quietly

"Along with the boy from 2." I I correct him and he nods.

"So 11 left to kill." I state. We leave it at that and slowly drift off to sleep.

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