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"Thank you for coming to send me off Mitch. I was kind of scared it would be too much and you wouldn't want to come." I speak nervously.

"I will never miss a chance to be with my girl. No matter how hard it is." He responds with a cocky smile making me laugh.

I pull him into a tight hug.

"I love you Mitch."

"I love you Sabira." He responds pulling away. He kisses my lips lightly then slides down on his knee.

"After talking last night I knew that I couldn't send you into the arena without doing this. Sabira Gables will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He asks me and I feel my eyes tear up.

"Uhm hell yes!" I yell out and throw myself onto him. He laughs and wraps his arms around me. He sits us up and slides the ring onto my finger. It's a classic diamond with two small diamonds on the sides of the bigger diamond. With a gold band

"It's beautiful." I whisper.

"Just like you." He responds and kisses me lightly.

"Get into the tubes. 30 seconds until lift." The voice speaks through the speakers and I sigh

"I love you so much." I say before kissing Haymitch hard. Trying to place all of my feelings into this kiss. I slowly stand and step into the tube.

"I love you too baby." Mitch replies as the tube closes between us. I place my hand against the glass and he does the same. The tube rises and I feel fresh air and wind hit me hard. I look around and see Johanna to my right. And the guy from 6 to my left.

"Hey johanna!" I yell as loud as I can.

"What?" She yells back. Definitely not expecting me to talk before the gong goes off

"I got engaged!" I yell back at her and raise my hand in the air. She lets out a laugh

"Congrats!" She yells back as the gong goes off. We both jump into the water and swim as fast as we can through the choppy water. I get to the rocky edge and pull myself up onto it. I start the shaky journey to the cornucopia. I come to a stop as I pick up some throwing knifes and one large hunting knife. I smile as I adjust my grip on it. I turn around and see the guy from 6 running at me. I throw my knife at him, hitting him in the stomach. He falters a little but keeps his pursuit. He collapses as a woman stabs him with a sword. I look up and see my little piranha.

"Snow offered gold if we kill you. Watch your back." Enobaria yells over the wind and I nod at her.

"Thank you piranha!" I yell back and she smiles and walks away. Killing some other innocents.

I run over to Johanna and help her drag Wiress and beetee off of the platform. We have to pretty much carry them through the water and into the forest. Blight leads the way as we cut through the thick terrain.

"Does anyone else feel like they are totally out of shape?" I wheeze out making Johanna and blight turn to me with looks of slight entertainment and slight annoyance.

"Okay so that's a no from you two..." I turn and look at Beetee.

"I'm with you Sabira." He responds and I nod in thanks.

"See, but it's not our faults because I thought after I won the games I could get fat and happy and fuck Haymitch whenever I want." I whine making beetee, Wiress, and Blight look at me shocked but Johanna laughs.

"Let's stop here for the night." She says making me drop to the ground in relief.

She shakes her head at me and sits beside me. I quickly lay my head in her lap making her stiffen before laughing lightly.

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