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I take the test and wait until the tow minutes is up. When it's up I shakily turn the test over and sure enough it says I'm pregnant.

"Oh fuck. Now is not the time for this." I stuff the test into my pocket and wipe the tears out of my eyes. I walk back to the others

"Are you okay?" Haymitch asks me with a worried look.

"Yeah I think I ate something bad." I answer. I shouldn't worry him about this yet.

"What did I miss?" I ask him

"Well Snow announced our death and then Coin talked up the mockingjay and the revolution." He answers me quietly.

"Ah, yeah that makes sense."


"We need to travel. The holo is useless. And the rooftops are just as bad as the ground" Gale announces angrily

"The tunnels..." a man says making us all turn to him.

"This seems like a really bad idea." I whisper to Finnick

"Do you have a better one?" He asks

"Yeah to go home. I shouldn't be here." I speak quietly. He looks at me confused so I quietly slide the test out of my pocket and show him.

He looks up at me shocked but that shock turns to worry.

"Does Mitch know?" He asks me

"No I just found out. Found the test on the bathroom." I answer before sliding the test back into my pocket

"I just wanted someone to know in case I die." I tell him and he shakes his head.

"We will get out alive." He speaks as if he is trying to convince himself

"I hope so." I respond.


"This water smells like shit!" I yell angrily as I drop into the water that goes up to my waist

"Well that's because it is shit dear." Haymitch responds.

"Ew!" I exclaim and jump onto his back almost sending him face first into the water.

"Sabira!" He yells at me.

"Will you guys shut up!" Jackets turns and yells at us making us freeze. I smile at her bashfully but remain on mitches back. He Carry's me until we are told to come to a stop.

"We will rest here for a while." Jackson announces. We all sigh in relief and climb into the hole in the wall

"Man I was tired from all that walking." I say to Katniss and she smiles while my husband glares at me

"Sabira I literally carried you for two hours." He exclaims.

"Yeah well so goes life." I shrug at him before laying on his shoulder and falling asleep

"It's her turn for watch" Katniss tells Haymitch.

"I'll do it. You know she will fall back asleep." He responds


I'm awoken to screaming that we need to run. I quickly stand and file out of the hole. We run to this small chlostrophobic entryway. Katniss climbs through first. Followed by some other.

"Go, I'll go last." Mitch says but I grab his arm

"You have to go after me. I need you." I tell him.

"Why? I'll follow you it'll be okay." He comforts me.

"Mitch I'm pregnant. You have to follow me." I tell him knowing it's the only way he will listen. He looks at me shocked but nods nonetheless
I quickly crawl through the hole with him right behind me.

We lost Jackson to the mutts. We fight against the mutts as we try to climb out of the sewers. Castor leads us up the ladder. All that is left is Haymitch Enobaria and Finnick.

"Go Mitch!" Finnick yells stabbing a mutt.

"I'm not leaving you!" He yells shooting a mutt

"Your wife is pregnant. Do the right thing." He yells back making Haymitch climb the latter. Enobaria turns to Finnick

"I like Annie, I'm alone. I only have Sabira. She's like a daughter to me. I know Annie is pregnant as well. So I suggest you climb that ladder." She said taking Finnick by surprise.

"What?" He asks shocked

"Go!" She screams and he starts to climb. He gets up to the top and looks down as she falls behind him. She screams as the mutts tear at her. Katniss drops the holo down

"Nightlock, nightlock, nightlock." It explodes and all that is heard is Sabiras screams

"Nooooo!" "Enobaria!" I scream for the woman who cared for me so deeply. My husband wraps his arms around me and pulls me to safety. I thrash in his arms and scream until we are dragged into a house and tucked in a basement.

"Piranha. Piranha. Enobaria." I keep saying her name with tears streaming down my face. Mitch holds me and rocks me back and forth. Finnick sits beside me shocked

"I'm sorry Sabira." He whispers

"It's okay. She's okay." I whisper but they know it's not true.

"She told me Annie is pregnant, I don't know how she would know because I didn't know they talked." He speaks in shock

"They both worked in the kitchen. They were friends." I answer him and he nods.

"It's all my fault! It's my fault they're all dead! It was fake! I lied. I wasn't sent on a mission." She cries out

"We all knew." Cressida speaks

"Even the dead ones knew." I add

"It wasn't worth it." Katniss cries

"Cato, thresh, clove, rue. Those are all pointless deaths. But these deaths. These deaths meant something. Don't let it go to waste." Peeta adds taking us all by surprise.

"He's right." I add


Gale and Katniss decide to storm the capital. They get dressed and follow all of the citizens going into hiding.

"When do we leave?" I ask Haymitch.

"I think the sign will be there." He answers and I nod. He reaches down and touches my nonexistent bump.

"We are going to be parents, I told you we needed protection. I'm an old man." He teases and I let out a light laugh

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