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It's been 12 years, 12 years since I've won my games. And 12 years since we've had a winner here in district 12. Haymitch's drinking problem is at a whole new height. I'm 27 years old and alone. My feelings for Haymitch never went away. My sister lived with me until last year, she got married to one of the towns bakers sons. She is well off. And I sneak some money into her pockets when she visits. She acts like she doesn't notice. She luckily was never reaped. Once I turned 17 Haymitch warned me that the president might try selling me but apparently my fake arm is disgusting to the capital citizens and the president told me I was undesirable. Which was a little offensive but relieving nonetheless.

I walk across the street to Haymitch's house. I let myself in and find him fixing himself eggs.

"Your house is gross." I exclaim and he sighs.

"You're such a Debbie downer. Can you just be positive? Look I'm making myself food." He points out and I just shake my head

"Good job, I'm proud of you." I respond dryly.

"You're too sarcastic." Haymitch responds before turning back to put his eggs on a plate.

"Tomorrow is the reaping." I tell him as he walks into his living room and plops on the couch.

"What number are we on again?" He asks me and I sit beside him.

"74th games." I reply

"Good god I'm 43 years old." He says with a gruff

"And I'm 27" I add on sadly

"You should go get a boyfriend. What about Finnick?" He adds.

"He's younger than me." I error with an eyebrow raised

"I forgot you only like older guys." I laughs probably thinking back to my games.

"You were always so nervous around me when you were 15. Now you're boring." He states while laughing.

"You're an ass. I'm not boring." I retort with slight anger in my eyes

"Oh yeah? Prove it." Haymitch taunts me.

"How?" I ask eager to prove him wrong.

"The first guy you see, you have to kiss him." He says and I shrug. That's easy. I lean in and kiss him lightly before pulling back.

"Boom!" I exclaim and he just looks at me like a fish out of water.

"I didn't mean me! I meant some innocent bystander!" He exclaims and I laugh.

"Haymitch it's not weird anymore. I'm an adult. I have been for 9 years. You're lucky I didn't jump your bones on my eighteenth birthday. I thought about it." I add making his mouth drop a little further open.

"You jumped someone else's bones right?" He asks

"Uhm well no." I reply nervously.

"Sabira I'm not the only man you've kissed am I? Sabby? Are you a virgin?" He asks me shocked

"Yes and yes, I mean come on Mitch my arm is a major turn off for like everyone." I respond but I am throughly embarassed.

"Good god woman. It's time to get you out there. We are going to fix this." Haymitch shakes his head and leans back into the couch. I take his plate and put it on the coffee table. He looks at me confused but I quickly straddle his legs. Now he looks at me panicked.

"Okay then let's fix it." I respond putting an arm on each side of his head.

"Once again, I didn't mean we as in me." Haymitch speaks with a dry expression but I can see excitement in his eyes.

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