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"How much further do you think this forest can go?" I ask Darius but he just shakes his head.

"I bet it's like never ending." He responds.

"Uhm what if we are just walking in a circle?" I ask him and he looks at me.

"That would be so embarrassing if that's true." He responds and I smile at him lightly. "What made you think that?" He asks

"Well I just realized that we have passed that bloody spot twice now, and that's where we killed 11." I respond and he looks at me shocked.

"I'm killing myself." He states before yelling in annoyance

"Are we really that stupid?" I ask him and he looks me in my eyes before we both burst out into a fit of laughter. We quickly sober up when we see a group of 4 people walk through the trees towards us. Why do people always find us in this spot?" I ask myself before pulling out my hunting knife.

"Well well well, looks like we found ourselves good old district 12." The girl from 9 exclaims excitedly.

"Wow aren't you an observant girl!" I taunt her and she sneers at me. She turns towards her group, which are just standing their with their weapons raised.

"Let me handle her." The girl from 9 sneers at them and she quickly approaches me. Her district partner approaches Darius as well.

The girl lifts up her sword and swings it at me. I quickly jump out of the way. She's clumsy with the sword. It's clearly too heavy for her. I grab one of my smaller knifes from my belt and fling it at her. It gets stuck in her shoulder making her drop her sword. Her friends quickly run forward to help her and I turn to them. I stab the boy from 10 in the throat with my larger knife and he falls over grasping his throat. I quickly tear my knife out of his throat and turn onto the girl from his district. She raises an axe and runs at me. I slide past her and slice her Achilles tendon making her fall onto the ground and scream. I walk over to her and slit her throat. I feel a sharp pain explode in my back, near my shoulder so I turn quickly to find the girl from 9 threw the knife that I had stabbed her with, back at me. Before I can go back to her though, Darius drives his axe through her head.

I look at Darius and he looks exhausted and is covered in blood. I'm sure I appear to be in the same state.

"Did we just get jumped by 4 people." I ask him shocked

"Yeah and if that girl wasn't dumb enough to try to take us on 2 at a time then I bet they would've won." He responds.

"Well good thing she's was dumb then huh." I respond with a smile.

"You need a bath..." he teases me as we walk into a different direction than our usual circle.

"Oh hush. You need one too. I think there's some brain matter on you." I tease him back and he scoffs.

"We might actually win this thing sugar..." Darius says throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"I think we just might." I smile at him and we walk further into the distance.

The rest of the day passes with no other occurrences.


"It's been two days without coming across another human. There are only 9 of us left. One more until we split. Do you think they're going to give us all together soon?" I ask Darius and he nods at me

"Yeah I think it'll be ending soon. We have done pretty good. We are almost in perfect condition. I'm sure this is annoying the game makers." He responds and I grimace.

"So you think its going to be painful?" I ask him and he nods at me.

"But we will be okay." He adds trying to comfort me a little.

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