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Katniss and Peeta and really selling the star crossed lovers thing. Now it's just them and Cato. I sit on the edge of my seat as Peeta draws an x on catos hand. Telling Katniss where to shoot. We have to listen to Cato getting torn apart all night before he dies.

"There can only be one winner now. May the odds be in your favor." I scream out in anger and throw my glass of bourbon at the tv. Haymitch grabs me and pulls me into his chest. But I pull away when the kids put the nightlock berries in the air. Just ask they go to eat them they're announced as winners.

"Holy fuck! Did we just pull that off?!" I yell out excitedly.

"Yes we fucking did!" Haymitch yells before dragging me to go retrieve our victors.


They sit through their interviews and are finally ushered onto the train to return home before I can actually talk to them

"I'm so proud of you guys. And I'm so grateful you're alive otherwise I could never go home." I point at Peeta for the last part and he lets out a laugh.


When we arrive back at 12, the whole district is waiting to greet their new winners. I walk behind them with a small smile, Haymitch behind me. I see my sister in the crowd. She is already looking at me, she smiles at me and mouths thank you. I nod in acknowledgment

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