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I wake up in my room, Haymitch must've moved me.

I walk out of the room after throwing on a sweater and pants provided by the capital. Everyone is waiting for me at the table.

"You have a lot of hair." Darius speaks shocked at the hair on my head.

"Yeah I know, I've been told." I plop down next to him in a chair and he pulls a curl and watches it bounce. I smack his hand.

"Ouch!" He yells rubbing his hand

" no touching!" I yell out.

"Yeah she got me last night." Haymitch says with a smile. I glare at him before shoving some eggs in my mouth.

"You have gorgeous eyes and hair, you'll be a capital favorite." Ficklin speaks proudly.

"Oh how fun! A bunch of grown adults are gonna want to fuck me!" I yell with fake enthusiasm. The color in Ficklins face drains and Haymitch bursts out laughing.

"There is something wrong with this one." Ficklin says while pointing at me. So I just smile real big for him.


The capital is so bright. Darius and I were both rushed into the stylists hands. My stylist who I've come to know as Celeste is excited when she sees me.

"Good god you're so pretty." She exclaims before brutally assaulting me with hot wax and tweezers.

Once she's done I stand naked in front of a dude named Flicker and he thrusts me into what us supposed to be a coal mining outfit except it's a latest material and hugs my curves very tight. I can barely breath in it. He also gives me a fake pickaxe. When I look in the mirror I just stare in shock.

"What do you think?" He asks me and I look at him in shock.

"Do you think it's tight enough?" I ask him. Sadly he doesn't sense my sarcasm and he starts finding a way to tighten it.

"I was joking! It's perfect!" I wheeze out and he smiles before releasing me.

It's so hard to move in this outfit. I squeak every time I take a step. I finally get to the living room of our floor and see Haymitch and Darius sitting and waiting for me. Darius stands up when they see me and he bursts out laughing.

"Why isn't yours tight?!" I ask angrily and he laughs even harder. Haymitch is also trying to hold back a laugh. I waddle over to them and hit them both with my toy pickaxe making them laugh harder.

"She's only 15, can we zip it up more?" Haymitch asks and I look down to see that they had pushed my breasts up and left the latex suit slightly unzipped so that my chest is on show. I quickly cover up and blush

"No it will ruin the look." My stylist scoffs before leaving the room calling us all ungrateful. I follow Darius onto the elevator as we take it down to the chariots. We walk into the room and all of the tributes look at me. District ones girl looks at me with disgust. I just glare at her as hard as I can before getting dragged to our chariot. Darius has to pull me onto the chariot because my suit is too tight to allow me to climb on myself. I grip onto the bars at the front as the chariots start moving. The capital citizen go crazy for us.

"Look at her hair!" A couple people scream and I smile in their direction.

"She is looking at me!" Another yells. I smile as big and as much as I can in hopes of them having money and becoming my sponsors.

The lights flash bright but when I see my face on the screen I almost fall backwards. Who am I?

I grip onto the bar harder and just count down until I can crawl into a bed.

The second our chariot comes to a stop I throw myself off of it and rush onto the elevator with Darius and Haymitch behind me. Once I get into the living room I start clawing at my suit. Turns out the zipper in the front is fake. The real zipper is in the back.

"Get it off! Get it off!" I yell freaking out. Darius rushes to me and pulls the zipper. I peel it the rest of the way off and lay there in my undergarments trying to catch my breath.

"No- no more latex." I declare and Haymitch nods at me but wheezes his eyes shut while nodding. Making me realize that I am indeed naked besides my bra and panties. I blush and cover up before running out of the room.

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