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I pull on a dark blue pantsuit. I let my hair run wild and free. I put on some mascara and head over to Haymitch's house.

"Mitch come on we are going to be late!" I yell as I enter his house. He pops around the corner and looks me up and down.

"Why don't you look professional." He teases before leaning in to kiss me.

"And you look drunk. But at least you are dressed. Let's go." I drag him out of his house and he stumbles after me. We get to the platform and I shove him into his chair.

"I like it when you're pushy..." Haymitch teases me and I laugh before pushing his face away from mine.

"Kind of you two to show up." Effie quips at us and we both quickly pull away and look up at her.

"What's with your two, you're acting different." She inquires before gasping and pointing between us. But kicking the mayor starts speaking so she has to go stand beside him.

Haymitch and I look at each other before looking at Effie as she glided her hand into the jar to sentence another girl to death.

"Primrose Everdeen!" She yells out. Finally a girl shuffles in the 12 year olds sections and I squeeze my fists tight. A girl with nearly black hair runs out into the aisle

"Prim! Prim! Stop let go of me! I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!" The dark haired girl screams out. The peacekeepers shove her onto the stage. They look over at Haymitch and I, so I flip them off and one starts to walk towards me before he is pulled back.

"What's your name?" Effie asks. Super excited about having a volunteer.

"Katniss- Katniss Everdeen." She replies and my heart drops.

"I bet my buttons that was your sister!" Effie exclaims. Katniss says it was and Effie turns to do the boys bowl.

"Peeta Mellark!" She yells out and I quickly stand out of my chair. I know that boy. My sister married his brother. I look into the crowd and see my sister crying with her husband. Peetas other older brothers do my volunteer so he is forced to climb onto the stage. He looks at me for a long second before shaking katnisses hand.

My sister runs up to me before I get on the train. "They never win. You won, and Haymitch won. That's it. Please help him win. He's only 16." My sister pleads. She kid holding her swollen belly that holds my niece or nephew in it.

"I promise I'll do what I can. But once they're in the arena I can do much." I reply. My sister nods her head in thanks before walking in with her husband to talk to Peeta.


"What are the odds that my sisters brother in law is drawn. I mean come the fuck on. Where's my luck in life?" I groan out and Haymitch rubs my back.

"Well you're finally sleeping with me, and you won the hunger games so you must have some sort of luck." He replies making me scoff

"I won the games so I could fuck you." I retort and he bursts out laughing.

"There is something seriously wrong with you." Haymitch states as we walk into the dining car which the kids are waiting for us in.

They're both sitting in some chairs anxiously waiting. Haymitch goes and fills up a glass of liquor and I sit across from Peeta.

"I'm sorry you guys were chosen. I'll do what I can to keep you alive." I reach forward and squeeze Peetas hand.

They both nod at me in acknowledgment before walking off.

I walk over to the alcohol bar and pour myself a large glass of brandy.

"Is that a good idea sweetheart?" Haymitch asks me while leaning past me to grab the bottle and pouring himself a glass.

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