~Celesta's Courage~

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It was days before your Great-Great Uncle's divorce that your Great-Aunt Celesta's plan was put into action. During the time we were getting 'acquainted' with each other, Celesta and the others were collecting evidence against your Great-grandfather as to WHY he wanted me and his brother to wed. Let's just hope her plan succeeds...

June 22nd 1520
Bright Family Residence

Celesta's perspective

"OK, ladies! Are we ready to go?"

The others nodded as we walked through The Bright Family Residence, eager to find a solution for Émilie's arranged marriage with King Norman and reunite her with Queen Angella.

"What Lord Tamiran did was unforgivable!!" Katrina seethed. "Sir Lance must have informed him of Angella's proposal and told him... I saw him hiding in the bushes near the pond where they were sitting. The coward must have run away and informed him as soon as he got back!"

"¡Katrina! ¡Cálmate! (Katrina! Calm down!)." Valerie hissed in Spanish, trying to calm down the 16-year-old. I couldn't help rolling my eyes as this happened every time we went on missions like this. Eventually, this leads to arguments, which Mary or I would have to resolve.

Looks like it's my turn. "Le signore! Per favore! Tenete la bocca CHIUSA e continua a mover. (Ladies! Please! Keep your mouths SHUT and let us keep moving.)." I got their attention by hissing in Italian, they immediately lowered their heads in response. "Non possiamo deludere Emille! Conta su di noi per far uscire lei e Angella da questi matrimoni combinati! (We can't let Emille down! She's counting on us to get her and Angella out of these arranged marriages!)"

"Sorry, Celesta..."

Nodding, I accepted their apology. "Good! Now, let's go."

We strolled through the corridors, trying to gather evidence of any reasoning as to WHY the Former King would want to marry off our friend to his 56-year-old brother while his daughter had to wed his nephew. Who's already MARRIED and has 4 children in NORWAY?!?!

"Anything ladies?"

"No!" Katrina confirmed.


"Nothing here!" Mary said.




"Nothing Cele!"

I sat there, feeling hopeless about our lack of evidence against Tamiran and his nefarious plans, we stumbled upon a small glimmer of hope. A sliver of light seeped through a narrow crack in one of the doors, as we approached, we realized it was Tamiran's study. With bated breath, we pushed the door open and stepped inside, taking in the sight of the room with wonder and amazement. Desks and bookshelves lined the walls, all filled with tomes and documents that could potentially be the key to stopping Tamiran. We knew we'd stumbled upon something big, and couldn't wait to dig in and uncover the secrets that lay hidden within.

"Ok! Katrina and Mary, you both take the shelves on the left, Valerie and Alice, you take the right, Melanie, you take the centre, I'll take the desk and see what I can find." As we went our separate ways, we all started searching our sectors of the study. Hoping for any traces of evidence to use against our Former King.

(Meanwhile, with Norman and Émilie...)

June 22nd 1520
Entrance to Bright Forest

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