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September 17th 1523
Callis Family Residence

September 17th 1523Callis Family ResidenceGreece

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"Madam, have you heard the news?" Charlotte asked, folding Émilie's expensive gowns and furs while Amelia and Melanie made the bed.

"What news, Charlotte?" asked the raven-haired Queen as Lady Mary assisted her into relaxing at her desk. Émilie, currently eight months pregnant, was confined since August 15, a day after receiving the news Jane Connors gave birth to her daughter, Nyra. The child that's now being raised alongside Hestia in the Norwegian Court. "If this concerns Lady Nyra, I've-"

"No, Madam...It's about Queen Catherine."

Émilie couldn't believe it. Since she married Angella, not a word from the English Queen. It started at the after-party when her husband tried to claim custody of her twins. "What of Queen Catherine, Charlotte? Has something happened between her and the King? Has he stopped seeing Mistress Boleyn?"

"No, Madam. I'm afraid Mistress Boleyn's still in the King's good gracious. But, Queen Catherine's news is so joyful she couldn't wait to share it with you."

"And what does Her Majesty wish to inform me of after 4 years of no communication?" She asked, rubbing her bump as Charlotte came forth with the letter. The seal of Catherine's family stamped onto the string of twine eloping the centre.

"Would you like for me to read it?"

"Yes," She nodded. "Please do, Charlotte. I think my child would like to hear you reading as much as you singing."

"Very well, Madam." Clearing her throat, Charlotte proceeded to slice open the letter with the letter opener and began reading it, the sound of Catherine's words danced along her tongue as she read out the news to her Mistress.


To the child whom I've loved as my daughter, Queen Émilie:
I honestly don't know what to say in this, dear child. I know it was rude of me to not communicate with you for the 4 years we've been apart, but life has its tasks, and we are to complete them.

I am sending you mine and God's blessings for your child to be safe. My dear. I keep you and your family in my prayers day and night, praying to God you deliver a healthy, sweet and strong child.

I'd also like to share some news with you, dear child. This day, On the eve of September 16th, 1523, at Richmond Palace, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, the son of which His Majesty and I have been waiting for since the passing of our daughter, Princess Isabel.

He's such a sweet boy, your little brother. He shall be as strong as a lion, as cunning as a raven and as smart as an owl; and with your blessing, I should like to name him Emille. Emille Mattheo Robert Tudor. After the sweetest girl I loved and cared for as my child in the mere years we had together.

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